Evaluating Transformational Leadership Theory

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Evaluating Transformational leadership theory

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The paper covers the basis for development of transformational leadership theory. The theory is developed by James McGregor Burns, who was inspired by politician of his time. The primary components of this theory include individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence. A brief introduction of theorist and his credentials is incorporated for the authenticity of his work. The paper talks about some of inspiration, which led to its formulation. Empirical evidences are included in the paper to support the theory and its implication in contemporary business world.

Evaluating Transformational leadership theory


Transformational leadership theory focuses upon the human resource and how an effective leader can change his subordinates' views towards the business and how to achieve success through values like integrity, justice and equality. It is primarily the art of transforming or changing the organization into a learning organization, where all employees work with a sense of duty and responsibility towards the achievement of business success. The effective transformational leaders share the following characteristics with their employees such as courage, determination, lifelong learning, vision and dealing with uncertainty and complexity of today's global environment. This leadership strategy emphasizes upon self management or learning where continuous learning of new knowledge and skills take place to help a leader become more competent and effective in managing people and business in today's global competitiveness (Bacharach, 1989).

Transformational leadership Theory and its development Context

James McGregor Burns was the first to introduce this theory in 1978. Next development in this theory was by Bernard M. Bass in 1985. The primary components of this theory include individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence. This leadership style or philosophy seems to be one, which perhaps been developed by world's renowned leader. They have transformed their businesses completely and made their appearance glow in the respective industries. Transformational leadership theory is taken as an essential assumption incorporated in all contemporary books of management. The theory posses unique position due to its implication in the real world. The theory has gained the attention of many researchers since last three decades, for effective organizational leadership. The theory developed by Burns in 1978, and his concept elaborated by Bass in 1985 and other researcher in the next year. The fundamental premise of transformational leadership theory underlies in transforming the personal objectives and goals of followers by motivating them. The transformational leadership theory emphasized with their skills and behavior, transform the followers in accomplishing the task. Transformational leadership has four elements: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized attention. The transformational leader is capable of aligning the values of individual employee or follower with that of organizational values (Northouse, 2009).

Method for Developing the Theory

Transformational leadership theory developed in the last era of 20th century by burns in the year in 1978. The theory developed in a political context as the theorist was inspired by political leaders and analyze the way the inspired their followers. Prior to the theory, extensive research is ...
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