Evaluating The Research Of Others

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Evaluating the Research of Others

Evaluating the Research of Others


The ability to review the literature and research work of other authors is a vital skill for the researchers associated with language teaching and learning profession. It enables a researcher to develop the understanding of the critical aspects of a research that could be further integrated into his or her own work. The main thing that are critically analysed by the researcher while reviewing someone else's work includes the quality of the research methods, findings of the research and the conclusion they have provided. This paper critically analyses and reviews two research articles on the topic of communicative language which is an important area in TESOL. The review of these researches will help me in framing my own research and assist in understanding the subject area.

A. Article 1

Savignon J.S. (1991) Communicative Language Teaching: State of the Art. TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 2. (Summer, 1991), pp. 261-277.

1. Source of the Article

This article is written by Sandra J. Savignon in the TESOL Quarterly which is published by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Inc. (TESOL). The article is accessed through the JSTOR database which is a popular and authentic database for getting scholarly and peer reviewed articles and journals. TESOL Quarterly is a professional and refereed journal that helps in inquiring about the English language learning and teaching methods. The forum of TESOL Quarterly also helps the teachers, students, learners, researchers, linguists and teacher educators to professionally share their research studies and findings that lead to exploring key areas in the field of TESOL and lead to the broadening of scope of the teachers and researchers.

2. Focus of the Researchers' Work

The research examines the concept of communicative language teaching and briefly analyses the origin and integration of this concept. The researcher has focused on the secondary sources of data for justifying the concept under consideration.

It also discusses the current requirements and areas of improvement in the field of communicative language teaching that could help the teachers in creating an environment of interactive and knowledge sharing learning procedures in the classrooms. The researcher has focused on the issues that arise in the adaptation of communicative language teaching practice. It provides some key solutions and understanding of the issues to effectively respond to the problems in implementing communicative language teaching procedures into the classrooms. It highlights the importance of using communicative language in the classroom that could be related to the Teaching of English to the Students of Other Languages. The implementation of communicative language teaching focuses on the form during the language development that could produce positive outcomes in a class of foreign students who do not use English as their first language.

3. Review of Previous Studies

The authors have analysed the past researches on the basis of the evaluation of theories presented in the past researches. The method used for identifying the concepts and theories presented in literature is the critical review of ...
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