Evaluating The Consultation And Education Department At Greenby Community Mental Health Center

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Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department at Greenby Community Mental Health Center

Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department at Greenby Community Mental Health Center


This paper provides an analysis of the case study regarding “Greenby Community Mental Health Center”. The paper studies and analysis the problem existing in the organization. Subsequently, the analysis provides a process evaluation measure and an outcome evaluation measure for the “Consultation and Education Department” at “Greenby Community Mental Health Center”. The paper outlines the purpose and scope of the evaluation measures being proposed in the initial section. It then cascades light on the issues and challenges entailing the evaluation mechanism. In the end, the paper highlights the usefulness of the evaluation for the director of the consultation and education department.


Process Evaluation Measure

A process evaluation measure enables the organization to know about the effectiveness and efficiency of the ongoing process of a program (Roberts & Yeager, 2004). The process evaluation measure that is best suited for the “Consultation and Education Department” at “Greenby Community Mental Health Center” is that of “monitoring”. Through continuous and incessant monitoring, the department will be able to identify and describe the performance of the program in a precise and accurate manner. It will be able to compare the performance in relation to their compliance or non compliance with the standards and objectives set at the initial stages. This measure should principally focus on cost and benefit analysis and comparison (Bliss & Emshoff, 2002).

Monitoring will help the department to discern the effectiveness and efficiency of the program both in terms of its quality and fiscal contribution. This should include measures like the number of person participating in a program, the number of participants of a program who also participates in another program and other such measures to discern the role of the programs of “Consultation and Education Department” to other programs.

Outcome Evaluation Measure

An outcome evaluation measure enables the organization to identify whether it has accomplished its desired objectives successfully (Myers & Barnes, 2005). In this case, an appropriate outcome evaluation measure for “Consultation and Education Department” at “Greenby Community Mental Health Center” will reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of the programs in terms of its result and effectiveness on the overall performance of the mental health centre. Since the issue in this case is the view that consultation and education program are not worthy in the sense they do not generate much financial capital for the organization.

The best outcome evaluation measure is to see and measure the results of consultation and education program on the people interest and participation in the programs offered by the mental health centre. If significant number of people become aware and join different pertinent programs owing to the programs held by consultation and education department, then it will prove the positives, effectiveness and efficiency of the programs.

Scope and Purpose of Evaluation Measures and Their Influence on Design

The aim and scope of both evaluation measures that is the process evaluation measure and the outcome evaluation measure is to ...