Euthanasia: The Right To Die And Suffering As Redemptive

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Euthanasia: The Right to Die and Suffering as Redemptive


Euthanasia is an act of omission of life done to prevent hardship to people who are already close to death, on the decision and approval of the patient himself. You can also consider this as an act to die without further suffering from the pain that the patient is going through. Euthanasia is to cause the death of another by his well, which necessarily leads to narrow the circumstances and assumptions (mostly related to medical-care context) that give meaning to this humanitarian action, merciful and compassionate. The central element defines euthanasia is not the existence or absence of the consent of the person who dies, or active mode or negligent conduct that causes death, but the motives that animate it (Harris, p. 367-370). In this paper, we will focus on the study and analysis of the concepts of Euthanasia, the right to die and suffering as redemptive.


Some Historical Background

Greek civilization was the first to use the word euthanasia, for whom it meant a good death (tahanatos). It was approved by the state, because the governors had poison for anyone who wanted to die, giving itself an official approval: "Whoever wishes not to live must give reasons to the Senate and once it is received, can be removed life. If you find odious existence dies, if fate is adverse you drink hemlock. If the penalty overwhelms you, leave life. Let the unhappy relate his misfortune; let the magistrate to provide the remedy for which he can stop it" (Mystakidou, Kyriaki, Parpa, p. 97-98). This occurred mainly in Athens, Chios and Massalia.

The Catholic Church's Position against Euthanasia

The institution currently rejects and fights to euthanasia, is the Catholic Church, which has made a series of statements about through the Permanent Episcopal Commission: "We sincerely respect the conscience of the people, a sanctuary in which each is his voice is soft and people of God's love. We do not judge anyone inside. We also understand that certain psychological, cultural and social can lead to an action that radically contradicts the innate inclination to life each, lessening or removing subjective responsibility. But there is no denying the existence of a legal battle and advertising, in order to obtain the recognition of so-called 'right to die with dignity', is this public posture we have to try and denounce as wrong in itself and dangerous for social coexistence. One thing is awareness and personal decision and one which is intended as legal ethical criterion to regulate relations between the citizens" (Harris, p. 367-370).

The Political Battle over Euthanasia

Currently, euthanasia became a problem that combines legal and moral dilemma. One thing is certain demonstrations have increased in recent years. The number of associations pro-euthanasia, displaying an intense informational and protest in favor of the individual right of people to choose on their own lives. At the same time, these associations are opposed by the "crusade for life" led by religious organizations. Several associations have fought against those who defend the ...
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