Euthanasia: Should It Be Legal?

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Euthanasia: Should it be legal?

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Euthanasia: Should it be legal?


Pain is one of the main case in which the terminally ill patient suffers from the situation to wish for an early death (Guy & Stern, 2006). Mercy killing remains an issue of doubt since long time. These uncertainties put the foundation for the fact that euthanasia as a mean to get early drug should not be given a legal status in Australia as the violation of basic human rights is associated with its legalization. No one in the world is allowed to take the life of any other person. Voluntary euthanasia was given a status of legal drug in some European countries and the nurses are considered to be responsible for providing the patients only with lethal drugs and in the case of assisted suicide with the help of euthanasia, the doctor knowingly help the patient to get rid of his pains. This assignment is in the form of an argumentative essay highlighting the issue of legality of euthanasia within the boundaries of Australia. The essay strongly argues against euthanasia, but in order to make the arguments clear the opinions for euthanasia will also be provided. The essay will also be highlighting the nursing ethics that are associated with the legality of euthanasia and the way the care can be provided to the terminally ill patients with respect to Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) Standards. The essay will be highlighting all the required aspects by getting supports from the views of scholars, organisations, doctors and nurses.

Definition and legality of euthanasia within Australian Boundaries

The word euthanasia has got its foundations from the Ancient Greece where the term has a literal meaning of “the good death”. However, the present scenario provides with a more diversified meaning to the term euthanasia. In one sense it can be defined as the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for a suspected benefit. If the death is not intentional, it will not be considered an act of euthanasia.

The issue of euthanasia is of public debate all over the globe. Scholars, physicians, and other sources have provided arguments both for and against euthanasia. Currently Australian Legislation states that euthanasia is illegal. However, there was a time when the Northern Territory of Australia allows for the use of euthanasia making it legal with the help of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995. In year 2005, a nurse in Tasmania was arrested for killing her mother depriving from dementia (Jeanes, 2005).

Arguments for and against Euthanasia

Many religions and the constitutions of countries have strictly prohibited the murder and suicides. No one is allowed to have a right of taking other person's life by making an attempt to kill them. In the context of the use of euthanasia, it is considered as murder because the assistance of physicians and nurses is there that helps to end someone's life (Jeanes, 2005).

Medical ethics is represented by four basic principles: respect for ...
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