Proposing to eliminate all suffering, sounding at first like an appealing form of death is, Euthanasia, or so called mercy killing. All what it seems is not what it is. To relieve suffering and causing death, euthanasia is any action that of itself and by intention is such, by definition. Since it is the destruction of life, euthanasia is considered morally wrong. Especially against those who are chronically disabled or ill and to other potential crimes against life, it also opens the door. Since pain and suffering can be relieved in many morally acceptable ways Euthanasia is wrong as well as unnecessary.
For several reasons, in our modern world having gained prominence are discussions about issues of bioethics. Still devalued is a disabled life, though, with advanced age, disability becomes more common, and even though people are now living longer. With such a situation in the future, we find ourselves faced, to how we would deal with disability and illness should is our thoughts turn, inevitably, thus. To ask for assistance in ending his or her life, should a person have the moral and legal right is the issue of euthanasia and is, in our society, one of the major dilemmas.
Types of Euthanasia
Active Euthanasia
A positive act of mercy killing is involved in Active euthanasia. A case of active euthanasia would be like a reason to kill a patient, if a doctor judges that it is in a patient's interests that they die, for example. In this country and many others, currently illegal, is Active euthanasia.
Passive Euthanasia
When one has judged that the patient is better off dead, letting someone die is involved in Passive euthanasia (Battin, 1995). We have passive euthanasia if a doctor withholds life saving treatment or removes a respirator with the intention that the patient die, for example (not to free-up bed space but out of a concern for the patient as long; as this has been done). In this country, Passive euthanasia is practiced. To passive euthanasia, are not opposed, as to active euthanasia to which most of those oppose.
Beliefs Regarding Euthanasia
Over all creation, God alone has dominion over his or her own life; no human being has absolute control. Imposed by factors like economic realities, commitments and relationships, circumstances and time, we have to learn to accept gracefully the limitations, since many aspects of life exceed our immediate control. A blessing over which we do not have complete control, a gift from God, and the fact that life is a mystery, we come to terms when we find peace of heart and mind precisely (Foley, 1995). Various communities, a family of one kind or another and a social network is what we are born into. As well as to God, we are accountable to them, to our communities and family, as our life story is interwoven with those. Into greater solidarity and communion with them are we called into and not separating us from others are our ...