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Euthanasia has been the topic of discussion among different circles of the society. Some tends to rest their opinion in favor of it while others seem to rest their opinion against this practice. This paper will gauge the different perspectives and the principles applied on the idea of Euthanasia itself

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Euthanasia is interpreted as mercy killing, where the individual who is suffering a pain which cannot be controlled or is infected by a disease which cannot be cured, in such circumstances mercy killing or Euthanasia is practiced where the suffering individual is allowed to die rather easily and with lesser pain as opposed to his or her natural death. Euthanasia is not only the name of a single act but an entire procedure where a person goes through the entire process before making the decision in order to relieve the other person of any kind of pain or the unbearable circumstances and this act, results in the death of the individual going through pain or the circumstances which had gone beyond his or her ability to bear it anymore.

The ideas and principles related to Euthanasia strengthened its roots in the 19th century after the upheaval of anesthesia (Quaghebeur & Gastmans, 2009). Many experts tend to consider that due to progression medical science has shown in the recent years to prolong the life of an individual through medical or artificial ways have aging brought general public closer to the concepts related to Euthanasia in case of unavoidable circumstances. The principle Euthanasia seems to strengthening its ground primarily due to the reason that people perceive it as the tool to make the death of the individual rather easier and less painful. However many people tend to disagree with the concept of Euthanasia based on the reasoning which will be discussed in the course of this paper



Many people who tend to argue in favor of Euthanasia tend to do so due to the primary reason that it brings an end to the sufferings of the patients which is not possible otherwise. Many advocates of Euthanasia tend to consider it as the right of the humans and see it as the act of self-determination. However, self- determination in the context of this paper is translated as the right of the individual to die and bring his or her life to an end at the time when he or she seems suitable and that the state by no means can stop them from doing so under any circumstances. The relating fact should not be ignored that these people tend to give this right of self-determination only to the adults who are experienced enough that they distinguish between the factors of what is good for them and vice versa. Many among those who tend to cite their opinion in favor of Euthanasia tends to do so base on the idea that it is not obligatory for the person to live until he or she dies his or her natural death (Seamus, ...
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