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Question 1

Anyone who has a terminal illness knows that death is certain. Knowing this reality, the afflicted are torn between the decision to let the disease run its course or opt for "euthanasia."

"Euthanasia" The word comes from the Greek eu, "good" and thanatos, death. Literally, euthanasia means "good death." Euthanasia is also known as "mercy killing" is the act or practice of putting people to death who are suffering from agonizing diseases, fatal or debilitating physical disorders.

Question 2

Physician-assisted suicide is immoral and unacceptable for several reasons and therefore should not be legalized. Assisting in suicide is to kill someone with your permission. No doctor should help a patient die because it is their duty as physicians to protect and prolong life, not take it away. If this were to be legalized, some doctors who use this law and people are killed without their consent. Terminally ill people should understand that it is ethically wrong to participate in physician-assisted suicide and that there are other alternatives that can make the rest of your life more meaningful.

Question 3

We encourage physicians to assist patients in making end of life easier and less painful. Studies show many doctors and patients to facilitate a peaceful death with dignity, but we must educate all our professionals to adequately treat the pain and discomfort. Once pain relief has been achieved, most patients who request physician-assisted suicide give up.

To give all doctors the right to participate in suicide can result in a condition that some doctors misuse of power that has given them. Doctors feel they are in control and can do whatever he wants, because it is legal. If it becomes legal, will not be limited only to the mentally ill in shape and fatally. physician-assisted suicide can be extended to children or people who are mentally fit.

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