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The debate among philosophers and American society about euthanasia has been going on for decades. The laws of USA ban doctor-assisted suicides, but there are many ethical dilemmas about this issue. Euthanasia is an action designed to end a human life painlessly. The textbook "Contemporary Moral problems" acknowledges that euthanasia "is killing someone for the sake of mercy to relieve great suffering" (184). There are two types of euthanasia: voluntary and involuntary. There is an important to notice the difference between voluntary euthanasia where the decision to terminate life are that individuals wishes and involuntary euthanasia where the individual's decision nobody asks. I believe that voluntary and involuntary euthanasia is morally permissible and should be legalized.


Lets take a look at the USA's and other countries' real situation of euthanasia. The Netherlands successful experiment with legalized voluntary euthanasia is a proof that physician assisted suicide is morally permissible. Additionally, the Dutch had legalized euthanasia only partly because they had noticed that the practice occurs frequently and is now entirely at the judgment of physicians. Since euthanasia is illegal in USA and most of deaths in the United States take place in hospitals or nursing homes. About more than a half of these deaths involve a cessation of treatment. The cessation of treatment most of the time is uncontrolled and done without the patient's permission. On the other hand Dutch system of voluntary euthanasia makes a slippery slope argument. The Dutch law for euthanasia is that patients have to ask for euthanasia, and they have to be suffering an intolerable pain. But only one third of all requests for euthanasia are honored by physicians, which is proof against the slippery slope argument. A study done by the Dutch government eliminates the slippery slope theory. It was reported that since euthanasia had been legalized, only two cases have been documented where a patient was euthanized without request. In both cases the patient was suffering severe pain, and was terminally ill. So, there is no proving that involuntary euthanasia is performed against patients will. Dutch experiment of legalization of euthanasia proves that euthanasia is a legitimate moral practice (185).

A human respect for his autonomy and examples of legalized euthanasia all prove the moral legitimacy of physician- assisted-suicide. Opponents of euthanasia generally point to two main arguments. First, many cite the Hippocratic Oath: "I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any ...
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