European Union Laws

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Effect of EU Laws on British Business Practices

Effect of EU Laws on British Business Practices


The European Union (EU) is a unique community of twenty-seven European states was established on November 1, 1993, when he came into force the Treaty on European Union (TEU), being the de facto successor of the European Communities, created in 50 years of the twentieth century (Gómez-Díaz, 2009, pp.624-629). Its uniqueness lies in its partly supranational and partly inter-governmental, which has developed special political relations between its members that result in the establishment of a single legal system, and the existence and functioning of their institutions. The primacy or priority of Community law over national rules where there has been devolution (and in cases where national standards collide with EU standards). In fact, Community law does not exceed the domestic law of the Member States of the Union, but it integrates coexist interdependently (Gómez-Díaz, 2009, pp.624-629).

This is the fact that the European community's act of 1972 is in fact a step taken by the Parliament of the United kingdom to inculcate the European laws relating to community so that the domestic laws of the united kingdom along with European laws relating to community should not be seen in confrontation to each other. As stated above that in case of any conflict of European laws with the laws of the member states the decision tends to the duty of that member state only. Such an act has given birth to the differences of the interpretation of the laws relating to communities in different countries. In order to settle this issue the European Union needs to come forward and play its due role (Gómez-Díaz, 2009, pp.624-629).

Common European Security Policy and defense with the help of London did not become fully independent. On Apparently, the British action and rhetoric directed stable set of factors, the identification, structuring, and the study of which seems relevant in scientific terms. Relevance of the analysis of British policy in the EU is also determined the particular importance of European integration processes. The EU is a major partner in the British Federation economic, political and humanitarian spheres, it is of interest as a model of regional integration, the principles of which can be transferred to the post-Soviet space (Gómez-Díaz, 2009, pp.624-629).

How Laws of European Union Can Have a Major Effect on British Business Practices

The mass production of tires and the difficulties to make them disappear once used, is one of the most serious environmental problems in recent years worldwide. A tire needs large amounts of energy to be manufactured-half barrel of crude oil to manufacture a truck tire and causes, if not properly recycled, environmental pollution to be a part, usually of uncontrolled landfills (Ambler, 2005, pp. 8-46).There are methods to get consistent recycling of these products but lack policies to promote the collection and the establishments of industries engaged in the task of recovering or remove cleanly, the hazardous components of the tires of vehicles and ...
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