European Settlers And The New Land

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European Settlers and the New Land

European Settlers and the New Land


American history did not take place in a void. Thousands of years of human history headed the discovery and immigration of the North American continent. England's colonies in America were basically business endeavors prearranged people who succeed to obtain permissions from the crown to settle in the land. These people had two major goals among which first were to earn profit while the other was to increase their merchandise.

In this paper we aim to discuss the early colonization and its effects on the European settlers, the problems they faced and the help they sought by the Native Americans. This paper will also highlight the religious practices of the puritans and the others.


When the famous Christopher Columbus landed in America it was not fueled with the elements that attracted the immigrants later to settle in the new world. The Catholic Christians united their kingdom against the rest of the world. However the discovery of this new land of opportunities and the establishment of colonies provided room, for many settlers from different religious backgrounds. The first religious immigrants to the New World were the Catholic missionaries who brought with them the rule of missionary that prevailed till the 16th and the 17th centuries. They came in contact with the Native American tribes of the new land. These missionaries cast an incalculable impact on these Native tribes including several cultural influences. The new settlers in return also attained some influence from the Natives of the new land and hence the effect was vice versa. Before the Europ[ean settlers arrived to the American continent. The life of the Natives in the continent was free of the European pressure, and the natives lived a simple life. Until now, they were not familiar with the ...
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