European Political Economy

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United Kingdom in the European Union

United Kingdom in the European Union


Different economies and political powers within the world develop themselves through the support of others with like minds or similar objectives. A similar political and economic union runs by the name of European Union (EU) where more than 27 countries are a part of a singular party which works for the stability of all its member states (Eldridge & Nixon, 2006, p. 265). A very important part of the European Union is the United Kingdom (UK) which plays a vital role is stabilizing all its partner states' economies. In order to better understand about the role of the United Kingdom in the European Union and the associated advantages and disadvantages that the United Kingdom has because of being a part of the European Union; an in depth discussion about the relevant factors is required.


United Kingdom in the European Union

United Kingdom is undoubtedly a very important part of the European Union as it contributes majorly in stabilizing the economic statuses of all the member states of the European Union. However, this contribution does not move one sided or go in vain as the United Kingdom itself gets a lot of advantages from being a part of the European Union.

What is in it for the United Kingdom Citizens?

Since the United Kingdom is a major players in the European Union, majority of the resources contributed by the United Kingdom come from the citizens within. Therefore, a simple question which comes to mind is what is in it for the citizens of United Kingdom for providing this extensive service to the other member states of the European Union?

In response to the probing question, the following advantages to the United Kingdom for being a part of the European Union could be highlighted:

Travel and Working

The citizens of United Kingdom have the freedom to visit other member states of the European State without hesitation. Moreover, the following services are also readily available to the citizens of United Kingdom when they visit European Union's member states:

Free and Safe Travelling paths to the other member states of the European Union

Emergency Healthcare Services if an emergency situation rises within the member state

Access to a particular list of flights which are marked as being safe by the European Union itself. Moreover, the rights of the United Kingdom passengers have also been maximized.

No hesitation if a United Kingdom student wants to go abroad and study in any of the member states of the European Union.

Fair Customer Deals

Since the European Union has a centralized currency which is accessible and usable throughout all of its member state territories, the customers really have a great deal of opportunity to avail from this equally valuable currency.

The following advantages in particular are readily enjoyed by the citizens of the United Kingdom:

Hassle free shopping environments where the customers do not have to worry about being charged high for products because the currency is centralized.

Price ceilings introduced by European Union which helps customers in feeling free to shop ...
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