European Integration

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European Integration

Post-War European Progress by Political & Economic Integration


Overview of History3

Post Era:4

Phase I4

Phase II5

Phase III5

Phase IV5

Phase V6

Phase VI6


Kennedy's Analysis6

A Glance at the Progress7





“We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately”.

Economic integration is a process where two or more independent economies get agree to remove or reduce barriers on flow of goods, services, capital, labour; for improving economic benefits and becoming single entity. Economic integration acts as a catalyst for political integration. Political integration takes place to save nation from the danger of breaking down and to make single political entity. As discussed by Gillingham; Supra-nationalism, sector wise integration and functionalism are the most important concepts which have been under observation for the purpose of research in the area of Integration.

There are plentiful of books; praising the importance of European political and economic integration and sharing the same theoretical aspects. A thesis writing of Kennedy, “The Rise and Fall of Great Nation.” is also one of them. The progress of European Union after World War II is not defined by simply adding states; it is a complete phenomenal process of establishment of an entity. The dwindling living and working conditions in Europe are posing questions. Progress is possible if Europe is able to reduce social and economic division; and imperialist connections. On the basis of a profound history analysis; it can be stated that Europe should progress further by fabricating a new image of solidity and egalitarianism.

The European Union is a world principal in integration and illustrious in outstanding governance. The history of European Union supplies the whole world an example of how can the countries of not only linguistically different but also in race, colour, and religion; even in opinions, interests stood in uniformity and posed the secure boundaries against each other. These rival nations used to differ also on political, social and economical backgrounds; suddenly in the middle of the twentieth century a voice of 'European Integration' marked a history. "Nobody in Europe believes in the American way of life-that is in private enterprise, or rather those who believe in it are a defeated party and a party which seems to have no more future than the Jacobites in England after 1688.” Taylor's inference of course proved wrong when Western Europe achieved political and economic stability. There are different stages which are required to be considered for assessing the progress. Firstly, when the idea of developing a support system through the formation of European Union. Secondly, the stage of taking those steps towards the economic and political stability emerges. This stage is the most crucial and difficult of all stages; where exists confrontation, trustworthiness and credibility. Now the third stage of European Integration arrives where the shift of paradigm occurred. Lastly the current stage; where crisis have flooded the EU. The repetition of government failures and consecutive two wars motivated the countries to be unified for stability; the move is highly appreciable and challenging.

To know the reasons why the necessity of integration was developed, it ...
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