Europe 1400-1800

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EUROPE 1400-1800

Europe 1400-1800

Europe 1400-1800


I have selected the isolation and contact of European nation because, European history of Isolation is quiet interesting and entertaining in several aspects. For many centuries, European nations did not contact with other nations and, remained in isolation. In 1400s, Europeans started to mingle with other nations for many reasons. There were many reasons for the interaction with other nations such as, search for wealth, resources and knowledge. Europe had tried hard to explore sea routes and, investigate different methods to interact with other nations.


Traders of Europe had searched new ways to explore Asia through sea routes. The search for new ways through sea routes were adopted by European traders in search of luxurious life. The main aim of the European nation was to overcome the Muslims and Italians who were ruling different trades and communities. The other reason found for their contact was to spread their religion “Christianity” because, Muslims were in majority in Asia and Italy and, they thought if they had spread their religion then, it would be easy for them to do trade and search new resources. This mission was ended but, there are still misunderstandings between Muslims and Christians related to this contact. The nation of Europe was Christians in majority and, they wanted to capture the Asia by spreading their religion. As the time passed, there was much technological advancement observed such as new kind of ship caravel. This ship was much stronger than other ships in the past and, new technology was introduced such as triangle shipped sails which had the tendency to sail against the direction of wind. There was the addition of magnetic compass in new ships which had helped captain to stay long in the course. It was found that, Portugal was the first nation to use such technologies. Prince Henry was strongly dedicated to different discoveries through sea routes. Prince Henry created the school of navigation in 1419, where he gathered mapmakers, captains and voyagers to exchange their ideas. The major purposes for this exploration described by number of Europeans were God, gold and glory. In 1200s, it was not possible for the European captains to cross the large oceans such as 3000 miles and come again. The major problem was that, European ships were not designed in a way that they, sail against the wind. When Henry died, Portugal sailors had invented different ways of exploration through sea routes .

Within few decades, it was researched that, Portugal captains had already started to explore the world and, travelled long distances to Africa. Vasco de Gama soon after the ten years led his ship 27000 miles around Africa and India and, then he came back. The nation of Spain had their own ideas and reflections at that time. The history has the significance importance about the incident of Christopher Columbus who was the Italian Sailor and, he convinced the King and Queen that, he would reach Asia by his sailing skills but, luckily he reached the ...
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