Eu Law

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EU Law

EU Law


In 1973, United Kingdom joined European Community which now known as European Union. European community came into existence in 1957 with 6 member countries that supported and signed the treaty of Rome. These 6 members' states were Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy and Luxembourg. In 1972, European Communities Act incorporated European Union law into UK law. Lately, The European Union law covers various features of a citizen life such as workers' rights, agriculture, transport and competition. It provides people with a type of citizenship that consists of challenging plans for a common currency which will successively necessitate harmonized economies. The law of the European Union (formerly known as Community law or the European Communities) is the set of rules and principles that also determines the functioning and powers of the Corporations operating within the territorial boundaries of European Union. It is a mutually agreed upon legal order that is distinct from international law and the legal systems of member countries. The mechanics of the Law is included under a separate category called Community.

Court's jurisdiction based on the Article 31 of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty in 1951. The role of the courts as per the European Law is the interpretation and explanation of the treaty, and to do this means to give certain powers, including the ability to reverse the behavior from other agencies, to hear the appeal, the order of social sanctions and penalties should the cost of unlawful behavior. However, how the court should have strictly enforced the treaty is not what define these tasks. Since then, the Court has expanded its work and in the broad interpretation and sometimes very creative way to the treaty. This process has gradually developed into a powerful instrument of Community law but also give a lot of cases, the Court's decision in accordance with law. Of course, at the same time, the Court's work load increased, it became one in 70 years. When any Member State from the pending court took six months to ask the court to answer questions, and took over the nine months to process a pending case. In 1988, these figures had risen to ten months and twenty-four months.

Obviously, the structure has not been established for the courts to take such a heavy workload therefore, something had to be done to deal with this heavy workload problem. The Court and the High Court asked the validity of the investigation threatened. This is likely to be a serious problem and a threat to coalition structure, if the Member States no longer trust the institution; it will hurt the efforts for a fair and impartial verdict. This problem was solved by establishing Court of First Instance (CFI) in 1988 through The Single European Act for relieving the pressure on the court for approval

The Court has done a lot of European integration, although it has been that European integration are the political and economic process, incitement, and through political and economic institutions of the ...
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