Ethnic Relation Of Iran

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Ethnic Relation of Iran

Ethnic Relation of Iran


We live in the era of globalization where the advancement in science and technology has virtually blurred the boundaries. Especially development in the communication and transportation has reduced the distance phenomenally. Now it is possible to visit any part of the world by clicking the mouse and information has become an important aspect of this globalized world. The phenomenon of globalization has also created some powerful challenges and important of all these challenges is the diversity of cultures. Diversity of culture has cause significant problems especially for those organizations who are working outside of their homeland boundaries.

Therefore it is very important to understand the differences of culture and particular ethnic composition any important countries where one concerned. Ethnic composition constitutes an important part of the overall picture of a country and understanding this ethnic composition is critically important to avoid any future problems. We see in the case of Afghanistan in the early 1990's when there was settlement of power distribution among the stakeholders and the ethnic composition of Afghanistan is very complicated and it was difficult at that time to satisfy all the ethnic groups and in return the finalized power distribution under the garb of politics could not survive because the interest of all the ethnic groups were not satisfied and in return there was destruction and civil war among the rival groups.

This research paper will provide an insight in the ethnic distribution of Iranian society and it will also highlight the relation among these ethnic groups. Which ethnic groups enjoy the power and which ethnic group is the victim of ethnic persecution.


Iran is situated in Middle Eastern part and enjoys a strategic location among neighboring states. Straight of Harmuz passed through the location of Iran. The ethnic composition of Iran ...