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Ethics- Case

Background of the Case

Ethics occupy immense significance in the business world. Whether it is about opening your own company or working for another one, business ethics play an important role in maintaining cordial relations with the colleagues and underlie all business practices. In this case, a person, who has been working in an advertising agency for more than five years, decides to open up his won agency. He agrees to follow the golden rules of business ethics, in a sense that he will not “snatch” his employers' clients nor would engage in any kind of an unfair or biased competition. The parties agreed to abide by the requirements for the preservation of “confidentiality and competition” between them.

Being a new venture, this person quite obviously wanted to grab more projects in order to generate profits for his new venture. He receives a call from a client who completed a project with the former employer a couple of months back. The client shows interest in engaging him for the new project, and he agrees to work for her. He thinks that this was nothing against the agreed terms with his former company. As more projects poured in involving bigger scope of marketing efforts and finances, the owner is now worried and sceptical about his commitments with his previous employer. He is not sure whether he should move ahead and engages these clients who were directly involved with the previous company, or should he tell them before any such agreements with these clients. This is where the question of following the rules of business ethics arises (Self-Generated Case).

Primary Business Ethics Issue of the Case

The primary issue presented in this case relates to an important aspect of Business Ethics in the corporate world. Ethics is something of a subjective ...
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