Ethics Review Form

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Ethics Review Form

2. Are the research risks reasonable, relative to the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result?

The study missed to observe any possible risk due to uncertainty regarding the risk factors. The possible risks associated with the study were related to the annual pay survey, which could have provoked the involved audience. For conducting the research effectively annual pay surveys were to be monitored which has some basic information of the involved audience. In such a case where some personal information of the audience was to be viewed, there were chances that the audience might felt their privacy to be intruded. Moreover, the audience will only be a sample of 50 employees and 10 managers, and in comparison to that, the research area is much broader. In that case, there can be conflict of a general opinion in contrast with the specific opinion of the selected audience.

4. Will the data be stored for at least 5 years with adequate provisions to maintain the confidentiality of the data?

All the data that was used in the course of this study will be stored for at least five years. In order to maintain the confidentiality of data, appropriate confidentiality certificates will be acquired from the relevant departments. Moreover, to that it will be ensured that the data is published from a valid source, which is able to prevent the data. Proper filing system will be ensured in the records, which will help in attaining the objective of storing the data in confidential format.

5. Will research subjects' identities and contact info be adequately protected? For secondary data analyses, the proposal must clearly state when/how de-identification will occur.

The research subjects' identities and contact information will be adequately protected, by keeping the data stored securely in the filing systems and records. Since confidentiality, certificates of 5 years will be acquired to store all the data sets for the research, it will ensure that identities and contact information is adequately protected. Moreover, de-identification of secondary data will occur when someone will try to use the research study as a source for own work. In this case, the stored data will be used to relate further research work on the similar topic.

15. Does the PIS include a description of reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts?

The research is primarily designed to identify the effects that financial and non-financial incentives given by employer have on the level of motivation of working employees in the organization. The primary concern is to develop an understanding on the financial and no-financial benefits. In addition to that, research aims at identifying how can these factors improve or enhance the level of motivation among the employees of the organization. Risks were a secondary factor because of which they were not directly included in the study. Nevertheless, the possible risks that the research will have can be in the results, which will solely be based upon examining the responses of around 50 employees and 10 ...
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