Ethics Program

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Ethics program

Ethics program


Because of the increased scrutiny on the actions of corporations and those who act on behalf of organizations, there has been increased attention placed on the ethical actions within organizations. Many organizations have responded to this increased scrutiny by establishing formal ethics programs to address what are appropriate actions for those working for the company.

We have decided to start a company that will provide management consulting services to nonprofit organizations. The company will have approximately 15-20 total employees. Since many of our clients will be paying us from funds provided by government sources, we have decided that it would be appropriate to have an ethics program in place before we start offering services.

The profession of business ethics has long needed a highly practical resource that is designed particularly for leaders and managers -- those people charged to ensure ethical practices in their organizations (LeClair, 2008). Simply put, ethics involves learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing -- but "the right thing" is not nearly as straightforward as conveyed in a great deal of business ethics literature. Business ethics in the workplace is about prioritizing moral values for the workplace and ensuring behaviors are aligned with those values, it's values management. Yet, myths abound about business ethics. Some of these myths arise from general confusion about the notion of ethics. Other myths arise from narrow or simplistic views of ethical dilemma (LeClair, 2008).

Code of ethics

A code of ethics is a set of guidelines which are designed to set out acceptable behaviors for members of a particular group, association, or profession. Many organizations govern themselves with a code of ethics, especially when they handle sensitive issues like investments, health care, or interactions with other cultures (Chandler, 2006).

We now have decided to have a comprehensive Codes of Ethics for our newly born organization. It embodies the ethical commitments of our organization; it will tell the world about our organization, what it stands for, and what to expect when conducting business with it (Chandler, 2006). In addition to setting a professional standard, our company code of ethics can also increase confidence by showing outsiders that our members are committed to following basic ethical guidelines in the course of doing their work. Our well written code of ethics will be easy to follow and very clear, with sections that people can point to in order to illustrate specific issues. In the sense of organizations, our members agreed to support the code of ethics both because it is good practice and because it promotes their organization. Our company code of ethics also stands behind most scientific experimentation, ensuring that the results are valid and that the testing was carried out in an ethical way.

We ensure that our employees will act in a responsible manner. Our business with a code of ethics may also be viewed more favorably by members of the public, which means that our code of ethics is a sound business ...
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