Ethics Of Genetic Engineering

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Ethics of Genetic Engineering

Ethics of Genetic Engineering


Although genetic engineering provides a wired range of ethical dilemma, but there are several benefits in case, the genetic engineering becomes reality. Moreover, genetic engineering provides the capability to alter the nature of environment in which we are well suited to live (Young, 2011). In this paper we will discuss the ethical and moral aspects of genetic engineering in animals.


Animals are genetically manipulated for the protection of endangered species and injured animals. It is not beyond our belief that as the agricultural products become more reactive to social pressures related to detention of animals, it seizes upon the genetic manipulation as a tactic to enhance the fit of animal to the environment so as to minimize their suffering. It is also a fact that provided with the embryonic states of information of the relationship between behavior and genes; there is limited knowledge of pain, behavior, suffering etc. in animals (Anthes, 2013). Therefore, it is more likely that psychological dimensions related to welfare, unhappiness and happiness are correlated with variety of genes (Resnik, 2012). Genetic engineering has a potential to bring flawless world (Blanchfield, 2011). They have analyzed that cloning is used to replicate the animal with its genetic material. Moreover, selective breeds have been used to breed two species or two kinds of animals in order to have desired traits (Clark & Pazdernik, 2011). The contributions of genetic engineering is ethical because it has brought in several benefits which can augment and make the world better to the maximum degree with the prevention of diseases, protection of human lives and production of desirable traits in animals (Stille, 2010). Genetic engineering has enabled single cell bacteria to be used in drug making. Genetically manipulated creatures are more resistant to diseases, since it works with DNA (Anthes, ...
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