Ethics Of Educational Research

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Ethics of Educational Research

Ethics of Educational Research


Educational research is an important factor in education ethics and it requires various techniques that need to be considered during the research. The techniques or types commonly used are qualitative and quantitative but using these tools in educational research is certainly different from using it in other social sciences research. The aim of the study should be to initiate that research, using selected data analysis tools and then conclude the effects of those particular tools in the study. Qualitative studies involve a duration and intensity, interaction, dialogue, presence and contact with people involved in them. The ethical issues that arise in these processes are often less visible and more subtle than those in other methodologies. The qualitative research approach builds a complex context of relationships, commitment, conflict, cooperation and listening, which represent an additional level of ethical considerations that appear around the intentions of the agents, the goals pursued and the intentionally or unintentionally occurring desires and values ??of people (Cresswell, 2007).

The study include two articles, one contains qualitative research analysis i.e. the article includes educational research analysis by using qualitative data techniques. Whereas the other article contains a quantitative research i.e. methods have been shown to analyze the educational research quantitatively through various quantitative analysis tools. As every is imperfect and contains paradigms as this study also does, which will be discussed along with the research question to analyze and asses the importance of the research simultaneously. The major process of concern in the study is the data collection processes in both the articles to get an idea that if both methods are useful in educational research so which method will be used to give appropriate results (Pring, 2000). Data will be analyzed using both the qualitative and quantitative articles which include calculation of mean, median, mode and standard deviation regarding the particular study of educational research ethics. The second method is consistent with the SEQ and MPQ approach of research as measurement techniques of central tendency, which give some suggestions of the dimensions of standard or classic data scores that are utilized. The mean measures are determined by compiling the whole data received through qualitative technique in the given scenario that is cross-sectioned by the gross amount of subjects participating in that particular study.

Research question

The aim of this study was to assess a program of teacher's education, in setting a social justice approach and ethics related to it. This study aimed to introduce multi cultural education throughout the curriculum as hypothesized by Shelley and Judi, the candidates' point of view, responses, and performances are not necessarily associated with the aimed framework, which creates challenges to maintain a firm focus on multiculturalism. Shelley and Judi aimed to work on the extent a multicultural education can serve as a component of the program for teacher's education to describe the scope and degree to which implementation of the multicultural program can occur. Also the researchers were interested in finding out the response ...
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