Ethics In The Workplace

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Ethics in the Workplace


Ethics is the fundamental acceptable role of conduct in any society. Ethics includes not only the actions but the feelings, as well. Workplace ethics involves doing the right thing the right way, and not being greedy with the beneficial choice. However, workplace ethics, even if not paying you at the first pace, it is going to be beneficial for you and organization in the long run. It motivates the employees and also increases their productivity. Leaders should practice the ethical behavior every time; no matter how difficult the way is, because they have to set an example for the employees. There are many overhead costs to an organization which can also be minimized by practicing ethics within the boundary. In this research paper, we are going to study different situations and how the employee should behave ethically to sort out the situation. What are the common unethical behavioral practices of an organization?

Table of Contents




Work Place Ethics2

Importance Of Work Place Ethics2

Employee Motivation Issues2

Employee's unethical conduct3

Consequences of unethical practices3

Work Place Honesty4

Keys To Make An Ethical Decision5

Promotion of Ethical Behavior in the Workplace6

Own up6

Window Dressing6

Information sharing7

Remember the “Problem Trio”7



Ethics In The Workplace


Ethics is not explainable, nor it is implementable because it is not conscious; Ethics includes the norms, moral values and the perception of an individual that governs his overall behavior. These are the rules of conduct which structure the culture and the behavior of a group in a particular environment (J .Kay). Ethic is not about doing what is beneficial for you; it's about doing the right one, whether it is not so profitable or you may lose something, but you have to do what is right.

Ethics is the bond which holds the organization and the employees together. Performing the right action following the right way, the right strategy, procedures and policies. Even the simple scenario in an organization has some ethical implication. So it's good that you have tools already to help you guide how to overcome such situations without having a loss. (Wells, pp.4)

As said by Immanuel Kent, 'In a law man is guilty only if he has done something wrong, while, in the ethics, he will be considered guilty even if he has thought of doing something wrong.'

Workplace ethics should be followed and should be applied in every organization and every job position. An organization with an ethical environment can be seen by the workforce who has high morals, productivity, dedication, clear views and a fair communication with everyone in a workplace (Wells, pp 4).


Work Place Ethics

The main responsibility of the leaders in an organization is that, they have to maintain the norms and the ethics standards. It is all about doing the correct thing even when its cost is high and no matter how much attractive the off beam thing is.

Importance Of Work Place Ethics

Practicing ethics is very important, however because sometimes leaders are often put in choice where they have to make certain decisions. These choices are mainly between the profitability ...
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