Ethics In Research

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Ethics in Research

Ethics in Research


The paper discusses the significance of ethical practices while conducting a research. It analyzes that how unethical actions may affect the elements that are involved in the research process, such as participants, organization, customers and so forth.


Describe primary differences between various research approaches

There are four basic research approaches, namely quantitative research, qualitative research, Pragmatic research, Advocacy/participatory research.

Quantitative research

It refers to the collection and conversion of data in to numeric form in order to make statistical calculations to draw the calculations. Although quantitative approach is reported to be expensive as compared to qualitative but quantitative approach produces much more accurate outcome. Further, it results in first hand outcome, which is also known as primary source (, n.d).

Investigators need to go to great heights in order to ensure that they are measuring the right thing they really intend to measure. One or more hypotheses may be made and they make predictions regarding possible relations in the variables that they intend to research upon. In short, a strong action plan is needed.

There is a little set back, that research does have the access to the entire population to draw the conclusion from. He may only take a sample size that may represent the target population. Thus, results may deviate a little due to sample size.

Qualitative Research

This research approach focuses and analyzes the in depth significance and meaning of the human experience and behavior, which includes emotions, behaviors and beliefs. In this approach the researcher attempts to examine the experiences of people and understand their complex behavior to gain knowledge. Usually the qualitative approaches are about collecting the secondary data and then draw the conclusion on the basis of the gathered literature. However, to narrow down the focus of the research, a problem statement and research questions ...
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