Ethics In Medical Research

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Ethics in medical research


The information based in educational psychology has been developed by individuals who have conducted research to uncover truths about the cognitive, affective, and behavioral attributes of learners. The growth of any discipline is dependent upon the worthiness of the research that it produces. The system describing the moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine is referred to as medical research. This study includes and describes the basic ethics of conducting a medical research and issues related to it. The clear cut rules of code of ethics are defined including some basic principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. That has served as a foundation for national and regional laws governing medical research across the world (Dennis, 2007).

Table of Contents



Medical research4



Ethics in research6

Responsible conduct of research8

Principles for All Medical Research8

Main ethical issues in medical research10



Ethics in medical research


The Research ethics term spans across various disciplines ranging from Law, science, management and even academic studies. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that helps study the principles and moral values. It also identifies the wrong and right behavior of an individual. Research ethics involves applying ethical principles to all these topics. These usually consist of implementation and design involving animal and human experimentation, regulation of research, and various factors of academic scandals such as fabrication of data, fraud and plagiarism (Dennis.M., 2007). Research ethics in medical research is mostly developed as a concept. The scientific researches are usually based on the foundation of trust whatever results are reported by other studies the scientist usually trust them and consider it to be valid. It is expected that all these results which a researcher is posting is an honest attempt describing the issue accurately without biasness. Federal government of the nation are increasingly devoting essential resources in order to strength and create research ethic committees but there is lack of attention to monitor whether these working groups are improving the protection of human research participants or not (Dennis, 2007).

Medical research

Medical research is the applied research, basic research or translational research mainly performed to support and aid the body of knowledge in the field of medicine. Mainly the, development of new treatment and evaluation of any upcoming new treatment in terms of efficacy and safety ,also to elaborate knowledge for developing new therapeutic strategies and feedback and precautionary measure are given in medical researches. Ethics in medical research deals with the incorporation of an individual's interests, societal values, legal issues, and moral arguments into medical practice. Examples of the areas covered include consent to treatment, confidentiality, research on human subjects, contraception and abortion, rationing of health care, and the prolonging of life in the event of serious irreversible brain damage (Foster.C, 2001) (Foster, 2001).

Medical research may involve certain researches on microbiology, oncology, surgery, physiology, biochemistry, public health, clinical research, and researches on countless other non communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Medical researches (which are usually done on humans) have to strictly follow the ethics in medicine ...
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