Ethics In Entertainment Journalism

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Ethics in Entertainment Journalism


It is derived from the Greek word ethos. Which should be the Ethics in philosophical discipline means, first, custom, habit, then in its broadest sense, the way to treat and speak to people according to their spiritual attitude, his character, his way thinking (Lesy 2006)? Ethics has to do with the thinking and actions of men, actions determined by their mode of thinking, acting, by the influence of his character (Zuckerman 2009).

For journalistic ethics, one can define it as the thinking and how to act within the moral, adherence to truth, equity, respect for human dignity in society, not in isolation and seeking common development in the management information. Ethics is the discipline that is closer to life is the philosophy and practice that must be embedded in their consciousness any journalist who is considered honest. And that by their action, which in turn is irrevocable, as an Arab proverb says: "Every word that comes from the mouth does not return to it (Knightley 2006)" With the words, thought becomes action; he leaves us and continues to work without us. Therefore, the use of the word has a responsibility that we can only endure if we have an idea of the essence of morality, if we clearly distinguish right from wrong as right from wrong, if we are able to direct us accordingly in our decisions.

Authors such as Juan Fernando Araos journalistic ethics defined as: "One set of values and norms that govern journalism and provides guidelines for the journalist to do their daily work by considering the fundamental pillars of the profession." (Evans 2009)

As pointed out by Hans Leisengang, "The first initiation of Ethics man receives through education. Parents and teachers tell you what to do and what not to do, what is permitted and forbidden. "They will require the observation of one and the other by means of punishments, rewards and censure. Moral behavior is therefore determined, first, from outside, through the Ethics called heteronomous, or Ethics of the previous law of others. “And the main Catholics which are based on divine law, which goes beyond mere man-made law (Faber 2008).

Ethics is moved into journalism and the journalist by reading university higher education, reflection, is responsible for spiritual, moral, if that orients, educates the reader and therefore must be imbued with moral quality of information for However, for the development of society and not be mercantilist values sensationalism, the voyeurism, opportunism to exploit for himself in an immoral way or the group it represents (Farouk 2002).

Ethics in Media Communication

In recent years we have seen how the power of media communication has grown amazed. While the duties of informing and instruction is increasingly prone to warping. It is true that comment, adjectives events or people, and prosecute Social and political scenarios are part of a plot of the most thorny and misleading where the professional journalist must exude ethics, feel and exercise(Fitzgerald ...
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