Ethics In Criminal Procedure

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Ethics in Criminal Procedure

Ethics in Criminal Procedure


Ethics is the branch of philosophy and is also called as the moral philosophy. Ethics deals with the learning of questions of wrong and right and how people should live. Ethics incorporates the moral decisions that are made about what is bad or good, wrong or right. Wrong and right are the values or the ethical decisions that are made by individuals for conducts and actions.

There are three branches of ethics i.e. meta ethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. The meta ethics deals with the language, methods, reasoning and the logical structure that is practiced in the understanding of ethical terms. The normative ethics deal with the means and methods of standards and behaving conducts (Souryal, 2010). The third branch of ethics i.e. applied ethics deals with the solving of practical ethical dilemmas when they are raised specially in the law and medical professions.

Ethics within Criminal Justice

Ethics and criminal justice are closely interlinked. It is significant to know the relationship among the criminal justice and ethics. However, it is also vital to know that the law and ethics are two separate categories. The criminal justice means regulations, statutes, and legislations decisions that are taken by the federal and state government. This is done for the safety of the public welfare and good.

The criminal justice and laws are not meant to integrate the ethical values, or principles. However, in some cases the ethical standards and values are imitated in the criminal justice and law. The example of this is that both the criminal justice and ethics forbids the murder of other individuals. Correspondingly, the criminal justice and law regulating the legal profession can provide lawful effects to specific ethical decisions. Therefore, it can be observed and comprehend that within the criminal justice the ethics is ...
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