Ethics In Criminal Justice

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Ethics in Criminal Justice

Ethics in Criminal Justice


Ethics has always been a key factor in the functionality of every domain in almost every era. Ethics play a really significant role in complying with the specific profession and the designated boundaries of conduct. The world is full of certain professions, which directly have an effect on either someone's life, or the domain of justice (Arthur, 2009). This paper endeavors to undertake an activity, via which it will explore the different dynamics of the contribution that ethics entails. Therefore, there lies no doubt that the phenomenon of ethics entails a significant impact on the crucial and imperative field of psychology and criminology.


From the ancient times, citizens are having contact with the justice and the judiciary was involved in contact with the people only when people were caught being involved in a process of doing something against defined rules and declared regulations. In that sense, the judiciary was considered as an inaccessible to some extent to the common people, as it has remained cloistered in offices, inaccessible that so far have turned out for public scrutiny, have often been seen as real "palaces" paradoxically called justice. But now the situation has changed or is changing. The modifications in the justice system are emerging out from both from civil society and internally in their own judiciaries; various movements have required institutional democratization, which, with some tact, has been launched by various judicial authorities in certain regions (Arthur, 2009). It should be noted that this requirement has not been formulated democratization only to the judicial apparatus, but has led change to the entire public sector. Whether motivated by actual cases of corruption or suspicion of those have been given various social sectors have demanded transparency to the entire state and it has had to react by implementing accountability policies. Also, the domestic public sector has also been a move towards the opening of institutions, ensuring the commitment of citizens in the management of public affairs, i.e. bringing it closer to its rationale are users.

In this paper both of the criminal procedure will be discussed and compared to show the similarities and differences. This will also be a way of figuring how the effects of policies in the criminal procedure this will be done by looking at the amendments made in the constitution of the United States looking at the fourth, fifth and sixth amendment and also the fourteenth. The fourteenth amendment including the bill of rights will be a critical aspect of achieving the goal of this paper.

The procedure that is most used in the criminal proceedings is the due process model. As an individual a person will try to preserve the standard of holding their right to life, property, and liberty. As an individual a person will not let go of the rights without undergoing the right due process promised to them that is stated in the bill of rights. An officer even when arresting cannot treat a person as if they were convicted ...
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