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The Role of State Funding & Social Enterprise

In The Future of Community Development in Ireland

The Role of State Funding & Social Enterprise in the Future of Community Development in Ireland


The world plan of action for jobs recognized in 2012 that all parts of the society and community can contribute to the renewal of economy. It noticed that Ireland identified a sound base of social enterprise in Ireland that has further potential in job creation. State funding and social enterprises play a vital role in the future community of Ireland in developing and taking care of the economical, environmental and social issues (Harding, 2010, p. 43).Across the whole Europe, the social Enterprises are showing significant impact on the development of the communities. It particularly showed significant improvement in the communities that got affected by the poverty, unemployment and poverty.

According to the European Commission, there are two million enterprises that are working socially that represent 10% of the total market in Europe and employ 11 million people that are equal to 6% of the total population that is working (Dart, 2009, p. 423).

The state funding program for 2011-2016 recognized and acknowledged the role of social enterprises in the development and improvement of the country as an efficient and vibrant region and social enterprise sector in the world. State developed the objectives to create the conditions that are supportive and help the enterprises to flourish. The state funding supports the social enterprises to focus on innovation an undertake it to review the possible potentials of the sector in Ireland. In Ireland, social enterprise is a small fraction of the enterprise base but its growing fast and ecosystem portrays the potential that it can deliver to economy (Harding, 2010, p. 43).


Community development is a term given to the methods and activities for the purpose of goodness of civil society and connected the professionals and citizens to build strong and resilient nation. In Ireland, the community development focuses to empower the individuals by providing them with the skills that they need to change their communities. The social enterprise has primary goals and objectives of social perspective and such enterprises reinvest their surpluses for another business purpose or for the community rather than focusing on the profit maximization of shareholders and stakeholders (Dart, 2009, p. 423).

In Ireland, the area of the social enterprise has both the economic and social objectives have improved investments are the core principle. It focuses mainly on providing employment, creating increased income and supplying any service to benefit society. In Ireland, social Enterprises operates under the control of private enterprises. These enterprises function under the democratic rule of a group that represents any geographic community or any community of interest instead of shareholders who seek for higher returns on their investments.

In Ireland, the Social enterprise sector is a participatory character as it allows its user to mark their representation in the process of decision ...
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