Ethics And Morality

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Ethics and Morality

[Date of Submission]


Ethics and Morality are two major sister concerns that go hand in hand together in all aspects of society. They are the basic principles on which a just society is built. Ethics and Moral have a smart difference between themselves; ethics is related to a profession, while moral is related to a person. These two principles dictate how individuals should spend their lives and/perform their duties. Injustice and then later on chaos, descends on a society which becomes ethically and morally weak. Ethics is the correct or right way to perform duties. Similarly, Morals are a set of rights and wrongs that people have learnt from birth onwards. Ethics dictate standing true to your profession and performing it with utmost dedication and concentration, to the best of your abilities. Moral understands when deciding in a situation which side is wrong and which side is right.

Firstly, one should know what police corruption is. According to the modern definition when an officer of the law, goes about misusing their authority and position, example influencing a situation using because of their police identity for a personal gain, that comes under the category of Police Corruption. From taking bribes or 'gifts' to protecting criminals by letting them escape or finding scapegoats for them, all of it comes under the Police Corruption category.

Thesis Statement

“To analyze the effects of Ethical and Moral disregard in the Criminal Justice profession”


“Former police officer Michael …. he received $4,000 per week in return for protecting illegal drug operations. In addition… to robbing crime victims, drug dealers, and arrestees of drug money; accepting money and drugs; and using drugs and alcohol while on duty…..”(Chambliss 2011)

Looking at an example of a case of Michael Dwod, an ex-officer who was found guilty of police corruption, gave his statement on trial. Police officers are symbols of Justice, Ethics and Morality. They symbolize everything that is right in society. When they start deviating from the right path, it society's belief and trust in them crumbles. They actually serve as an example to promote lawlessness and anarchy in the society. Some of the issues, this case would unwittingly give birth to, as described as follows

Cultural issues

There is a huge host of cultural issues that arise with situation presented. According to the research when a reputed standing officer admits to being corrupted on such a level as he mentioned, the public ...
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