Ethics And Corporate Responsibility In The Workplace And The World

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Ethics and Corporate Responsibility in the Workplace and the World

Ethics and Corporate Responsibility in the Workplace and the World

Business life has been traumatized by corporate scandals during the last decade. This drastic change has re energized various individuals' concentration in ethics. Consequently, ethics management program, codes of conduct, and ethics offices are being formulated with gasping swiftness.

Regulations of Compounding Pharmacies

Pharmaceutical State boards generally regulate compounding by pharmacies. However, legislation of the federal system also plays a vital role (Miller 2009). For example, compounding is defined as mixing, preparation, packaging, assembling and labeling of one or more than one drugs on a prescription (i.e. issued by an authorized health professional for prescribing drugs) .Federal Regulatory Scheme

The Compounding Center of New England called Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in order to regulate operations. The suggestion involves the government of the national system in terms of regulating compounding by pharmacies indicates the prevention system of such incidents i.e. skipped by state agencies.

Food and Drug Administrator (FDA) has been lacking the power and authority to consider the drugs strictly that are made by the independent pharmacists (Snider and Martin 2003).

According to Food and Drug Administrator, it would not be able to interfere with doctors who prescribe compounded statement. Now, as per the policy-and prompt based Congress, the more power and authority should be given to the Food and Drug Administrator (FDA) for the idea of getting over the compounders. The FDA should be given additional powers in order support the business the compounding pharmacies' operations (Carasco & Singh 2003). The FDA should be given additional powers in order support the business the compounding pharmacies' operations:

Tobacco along with Flavor becomes bad

The power should be given regards with transferring to the FDA. The FDA is weighing particular regulations for the flavored cigars. As a result, the FDA will be more active to banned flavored and non-flavored cigarettes.

Court would not Relax Regulation Schedule

The Act of Food Safety Modernization needs the FDA in order to pass a control batch for safety.

Take a Strike through Compounding Pharmacies

According to the Senate, a bill has introduced that would grant the Food and Drug Administrator for increasing power for regulating the compounding pharmacies.

Use of Colberian Intellectual Property

The intellectual property (IP) is referred to a legal theory, and it reflects the mind creation for which particular and exclusive rights are generalized. Owners got granting certain rights to various forms of intangible assets under the law of intellectual property. Examples of intellectual property are literary, musical, artistic, inventions and discoveries, symbols, phrases, designs. While copyright, patents, trademarks, industrial design rights are examples of intellectual property rights (Joyner and Payne 2002).


Utilitarianism is a theory, and it reflects the normative standards that contain the proper performance program. It is used to maximize the utility or in order words it is used to reducing suffering and maximizing the satisfaction. Utilitarianism can be recognized as a reductionist and quantitative approach to standards. It reflects the type of naturism and It can be compared with the ethics of deontology which does not follow the issues regarding the law. This law reflects the determinant of the virtue ethics and moral ...
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