Ethics And Catholic Social Teaching

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Ethics and Catholic Social Teaching

Ethics and Catholic Social Teaching

Statement of the Issue

The conception that an individual (mainly women and children) may be dealt or traded as an article of trade is at the center of the demand side of human trafficking activities. This dreadful picture of the degradation of human individuals shapes the religious issue: what sources do the Catholic teachings offer us in turn to stop the 'demand campaign' and abolish the mishandling of naive humans?

Human Trafficking

Modern slavery is known as human trafficking. The general trading of human individuals represent one of the most shocking issues that current humankind is facing. It continues to exist because of the 'demand side' to take undue advantage of human beings. Basically demand is an activity that promotes the misuse of humans, predominantly females and children and some week men. The worldwide and societal framework which lets 'demand side' to increase and compel 'individual trafficking' is multifaceted. Demand as a societal framework puts up with traffickers, pimps and johns (mostly men) to make use of, exploit, trade females and kids. This demand for the illegitimate labor, prostitution, sex abuse, and pornographic usage of humans is big commercial activity with huge earnings for those who are involved in it (Huda, 2006). Illegal trading of humans take advantage of mores and customs, victimize the most susceptible in the community, and take undue benefit of poor humans. For human trading to be a money-spinning activity, there must be a demand for the usage of females and kids. It cannot survive or flourish unless traffickers require the services or offer “the marketplace” for them (Bales, 2004).

Awareness of Different/Contrasting Positions

Whether at a worldwide or neighboring stage, the significance of rising consciousness of the signs and indications, together with the threats of this issue is dominant for deterrence, and more exclusion of the offense. The capacity to comprehend the stages of support and fortification that is accessible for sufferers. This refers to put off further events of the offense and the capability to give the correct data to illegitimate the exploration and trial of people involved in it must being with those people most appropriate to face the offense, for example health care sources. Spear (2004) assesses the requirement for health care sources who are concerned with women's wellbeing. She recommends that “responsiveness must take account to understand the risk or odds of recognizing cases in [our] own societies. Care plan should be formed in every health center to help sources in offering care for these sufferers (p. 314).

Ethics and Catholic Social Teachings

From a Catholic viewpoint demand is a spiritual and lawful matter. For that reason, in human trafficking it is both a personal and communal offense that is ethically revolting. The Catholic Minster has a rich institution of societal fairness philosophy. An individual can bring to mind Catholic societal teachings as a frame to assess relations. It offers a set of guidelines for manifestation, criterion for ruling and commands for ...
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