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Ethics in the Public Service

Ethics in the Public Service


To address the issue of ethics in public service is necessary to build a bridge between the theoretical considerations, the legal regulation. Ethics is an expression of culture is a form of domination of reason over instinct. Rationally, man and human societies have been established values, both individual and social. From there have been derived moral duties, in general, have been coincident dog that collect the various legal systems, in fact, ethical values are entered in the law. Public service is the set of services reserved in each State to the orbit of government and that are intended for the coverage of obvious benefits to citizens (Trevino, 2008).

A public service is a comprehensive purpose or significant benefit, which is payable, by the state to all citizens eligible users. These services are provided by sovereign entities (usually the State), and primarily meet the needs of the community or society where they are held. Public services can play an economic or social (or both) and can be provided directly by government or indirectly through public or private. It is increasingly recognized that in the constant search for efficient and honest public administration, the creation of an appropriate ethical climate is as crucial as the formal specification of appropriate and legitimate conduct (Turnbull, 2004). That is to say, it is possible and necessary to exclude through statute or contractual limitations such unequivocally unacceptable behavior as gross neglect of duties, the solicitation of bribes, or misappropriation of federal funds, but there is, in addition, a wide range of equally unacceptable forms of conduct covert favoritism, blocking access to key individuals and to vital information, and other manifestations of illegitimate influence which are much more difficult to specify, punish.

As the private sector is awakening to the emergent ethic of service, the nonprofit arena struggles to maintain the motivation that attracts its employees to public service. It was identifying from a research, conducted primarily within the public school system, that “the values that shape individuals' career decisions are not necessarily reinforced by subsequent work experience” (Sigmon, 2007). To understand and reverse this trend will require that the nation's nonprofit leadership examine the power of the ethic of service and learn to leverage that power within their sector. The discussion that follows provides a context for the emergence of service as a guiding workplace ethic, suggests service learning as the method and the learning organization as a venue for leveraging the ethic, discerns the leadership style that is best suited for leading in an era of service, and concludes with suggestions for implementation.

Importance of public Service

In the modern state, of the effective functioning of the government depends on the coordinated interaction of political and administrative components of the system of government, as well as state and society, because the effectiveness of public administration primarily provides support for the citizens. Public service as a necessary and important element of the structure of the state carries out a link between ...
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