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Dual relationships refer to relationships which exist when the therapist interacts with the client or consumer in the capacity beyond role of the therapist. Dual relationships causes risk to therapeutic relationship, which may cause harm to trust, confidentiality, and ability of the therapist to maintain an unbiased perspective. The American Psychological Association (2002) has set ethical principles and standards to provide guidelines for therapist conduct and guidance for ethical decision making. In therapist psychology, therapists are faced with ethical dilemmas which may cause harm to client or therapist. In event the therapist is faced with an ethical dilemma he or she may follow steps of ethical decision making process.

The ethical decision making process provides guidance to therapists assisting each therapist to respond to ethical dilemmas. As Pope and Vasquez state, steps may help therapists to identify important aspects of the situation, consider positive and negative consequences of ways in which therapists may respond, and discover better approaches. Therapists' decisions and actions have an effect on welfare, dignity, and independence of client. One of most common dual relationships in therapist psychology refers to an intimate relationship between therapist and client.

Intimate dual relationships occur when therapist is interested in fulfilling his or her personal needs, rather than focusing on welfare of client. Intimate dual relationships can cause exploitation and potential harm to client. According to American Psychological Association (2002) 1.17, multiple relationships should be avoided attempting to eliminate harmful consequences. In event the therapist has desire to fulfill his or her personal needs, he or she may consider following first 14 steps of ethical decision making process.

In step 1 of ethical decision making process, therapists must identify situation which requires ethical consideration and decision making. The therapist must identify most expected outcome. The therapist is faced with developing an intimate relationship which can fulfill his or her sexual needs, but cause harm to therapeutic relationship. Developing an intimate relationship may be possible, but therapist must consider if decision is ethical. After therapist has successful identified situation he or she may advance to step 2 of ethical decision making process.

Step 2 of ethical decision making process refers to therapist anticipating who will be affected by decision. The therapist must consider intimate relationship and effects on client. The decision to participate in an intimate relationship may cause client to have negative or positive feelings as well as develop lack of respect for therapist. In addition, therapist must keep in mind ultimate goal of the therapist. As stated by American Psychological Association (2002), psychologist are committed to increasing scientific and therapist knowledge of behavior and people' s understanding of themselves and others to use of such knowledge to improve condition of individuals, organizations, and society.

Next, step 3 states therapist must figure out who, if anyone, is client. In an intimate relationship therapist may alter his or her focus on personal needs versus clients needs. When providing treatment therapist must maintain focus on client, intended outcome, and affects of decision on ...
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