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Organisational Ethics

Organisational Ethics


Ethics is referred to the way individuals behave depending on their beliefs about right and wrong that influence their behaviours. It is the critical examination of the way they should act, specifically the way we should restrain the fulfilment of self-interest when out actions have impact on other people ( Business ethics or organizational ethics are defined as the critical examination of how individuals and organizations should act in the business environment. Specifically it deals with observing possible constraints in fulfilment of self-interest or revenues, when the actions of the organizations or individuals related to them, have impact on other people. Practically, ethics deals with giving justified reasoning for the actions and choices when other people are affected, and justified reasons for one's admiration or criticism related to the actions or choices of other people. The notion of organisational ethics deals with the elements of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR), corporate citizenship and sustainability which further provide the guideline for operating ethically in the society.

Organisational ethics, also known as corporate or professional ethics define actions and behaviours that all organisations follow. They provide moral framework that helps in dealing with the problems that organisations or businesses frequently come across. Organisations and individuals within organisations face variety of ethical issues while operating in the business environment, and sometimes it gets difficult and challenging for them to figure out how to tackle the ethical dilemma.


Log 1- Personal Values

To what extent have you been exposed to ethical decisions in your university life (past 4 years)?

Ethical dilemmas are every day and normal part of our lives. Every individual who is involved in an organisation or institution has to sort out complex and sometimes not so complex ethical issues. I have been exposed to a number of ethical decisions in four years of my university life. When I interacted with any friend, teacher or other student in university for the first time, I realized that there will be many ethical issues that I will have to deal with on daily basis. Recognizing an ethical issue is the first and foremost important part of the attempt to resolve an ethical issue, it not only lessens the stress that can affect confidence and ability to address the problems effectively (Stillman, 2010, p.1). After recognizing a problem, the next step is identifying the nature of the problem and recognizing different stakeholders that might be affected, starting from those people or groups who are directly affected by the situation, moving through other institutions, to the communities or the whole society. Stakeholders can be the university, teachers, friends, other students or the society at large ( It is very important for an individual to treat an ethical issue like any other issue of your daily life. Instead of making self-righteous speeches, he needs to organize his arguments and evidence and then decide who he needs to go and talk about it after making strong case for doing the thing ethically and morally ...
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