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Oil Spill in the Gulf, Deepwater Horizon

GCEEF has a thirty-two year history of work on oil spills and other damages to the marine ecosystem:

GCEEF has done definitive research on the use of dispersants, testing 400 of them on coral, fish, seagrass and mangrove;

GCEEF was the first organization to test, innovate and successfully complete large-scale seagrass restoration, and has replicated the technique in many countries and has taught the techniques to the stakeholders, the local fisherfolk to revive their fishing industry (250 acres in Biscayne Bay, 75 acres in the Laguna Madre, and 22 sites in Jamaica, as well as many other locations);

GCEEF has conducted damage assessments for the public sector following oil spills, accidents, and after legal and illegal damage to the environment for mitigation purposes.

GCEEF conducts all types of toxicity studies relating to all aspects of the marine environment.

GCEEF performs studies of impacts on the environment and site analysis for power plants, roads and bridges, causeways, canals and dredging areas.

GCEEF does spectral analysis and has remote sensing capabilities related to mapping and assessments of seagrasses, macro algae, mangroves and corals. This system allows GCEEF to better assess the condition of seagrasses and seaweeds worldwide, relying upon satellite data that are more comprehensive, less expensive and safer than the labor and cost-intensive on-the-spot observations by crews of technicians. Spot-checking and ground-truthing of the data are also involved to make sure the data is absolutely accurate.

GCEEF conducts baseline and pollution research as it relates to both marine and terrestrial environments.

GCEEF designs disaster preparedness for localities and entire countries (e.g. Jamaica) and trains the officials and workers who will be involved.

GCEEF organizes conferences and seminars on all aspects of the environment related especially to the marine ecosystem.

10.)GCEEF trains officials and stakeholders in restoration techniques and supervises programs that restore damaged ecosystems.

Relevant moral values

Moral values are generally shared values. If we did not have an values in common, it would be exceedingly difficult to agree on any one course of action. But since there is often disagreement as to what is the right thing to do in any situation, we can see that in fact, various values are shared to a greater or lesser extent. On some values there will be nearly unanimous agreement. On others, there may be considerable disagreement.

In order to solve the Deepwater Horizon quickly and in a “win-win” way, each of problem involved stakeholders should share a certain Moral values like:

1. Responsibility

2. Accountability

3. Accuracy

4. Cooperation

5. Commitment

6. Honesty

The actions of the U.S. Government to solve the issue so far has shown that the U.S. government possesses each one of the aforementioned moral values.

Virtue Ethics (Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill)

“Virtue ethics is based on a notion of humankind in which people's characters can be shaped by proper nurture and education, and by following good examples”. The main point in that sentence is about the development of the person into morally good and responsible so that they can lead a good life. To achieve that it is essential for individual to developing good ...
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