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It is the Right to live or Die


Is it right to live or die; one of an important yet interesting statement that emphasis on two main as well as broad perspectives. As a matter of fact most of the people are not aware from the facts that deciding whether to live or die is all about faith and this is something very much interesting as well. Therefore one can not decide whether to live or die and no one can decide the same thing for any other person as well. Talking about the physicians, they are no doubt the one who guide patients and are the one who give them reasons for better livelihood as well. But, on the same side they are also the one who force them to go for the option of death or to go for the option of further living. This is termed as active or passive euthanasia. A physician as a matter of fact can treat a patient who is on a ventilator in a very different manner but as far as health ethics is concerned his duty is to let the patient be motivated enough so that he can live for a long time period. A patient who is on a ventilator almost loose hope and physician can only give him a better way of life and on the same side he can treat him in such a ways that as if he is burden on the earth (Koop, 1976).

Therefore one of the most important issues is to treat every patient as if he is very much important and this is the foremost responsibility of every physician as well. Health related ethics state that it is wrong to let a patient who is on a ventilator feel that he has no more rights to live and thus he should choose an option of death. This is termed as an illegal concept and therefore a physician main responsibility is to make every patient feel that he can live and he has to live in order to lead a successful life. This is termed as ethical in health perspective and therefore this is an important phenomenon as well (Battin,, 1998).


This paper shed light on some various as well as important issues and some hypothesis have been thus derived as well.

H1: Physicians assist patients to go for the option of death - unethical in the field of health

H2: Physicians assist their patients and teach them how to live when overburdened by problems as well - ethical in the field of health

These two above mentioned hypothesis are important as well as valid because when a person is not happy then he or she eventually wants to die and wants to end up his or her life. This is something very much important because happiness or sadness is two important elements and people really want to live when they are happy. If the level of happiness is increasing then life of a person can result in optimal ways ...
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