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What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past?

According to history and information of USA, the best information that helps me in understanding other peoples is that they welcome peoples all over the world with open arms and most importantly with open minds. This means that if you want to understand people by making perception or values in our mind about them, it is not a good and effective way. But, instead of this, if I try to understand the peoples after meeting with them and after knowing everything about their background, then it is better and helpful for us in understanding others effectively. This is also the reason of their success in the world as they use diversity in a positive way of attracting and absorbing peoples all over the world.

Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history?

I have learned so many things about the racial, ethnic and cultural history of my country and state. The major things I want to mention here is that as American history welcomes thousands of immigrants from all over the world to come inside their country and make their future bright. This positive step creates large number of groups and communities inside the country which increases the culture of racism inside the country. Different peoples with different cultures try to absorb in a new culture of America but no one in the world completely accepts new culture easily by neglecting its own culture. These are some findings I have found that promotes racism in the culture of US, and government also takes some steps to overcome it by promoting diversity.

Trends in immigration will continue to shape the demographics of the United States. What will the U.S. population look like in the year 2050? Why do you think so?

Trends in immigration continuously change the demographic conditions of United States and increase its statistics rapidly. This is due to the thinking of peoples all over the world that to make their future bright, the easiest way is to migrate to United States. As United States is a very developed country with lots of opportunities for professionals; therefore, it is first choice of professional from all over the world to make their future bright.

This trend of immigration to America increases the population of America every year with a high percentage. According to Meher, the growth rate of United States is very high and about 0.9 percent average between the era of 2000 and 2010. After noticing the high percentage of giving immigration to peoples related to other countries, the government of United States takes many steps to make immigration policies strict to reduce this rate as this creates the problem of over population in United States. As a result of this strictness in policies, this percentage is reduced in 2010 and 2011 to 0.7 (Meher, 2012).

The population of United States in ...
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