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The word ethics comes from the Greek ethos, meaning custom and morality comes from the Latin word we, Moris also means custom (Thomas 2000: 55). The two words refer to the customs. So the nominal definition of ethics would be the science of morals. But what really matters to ethics is to study the goodness or badness of human acts, without being interested in other aspects or approaches. Therefore we can determine that its material object of study is human acts and its formal object is the rightness or wrongness of such acts. With this we can give a real definition of ethics as the science that studies the goodness or badness of human acts.

Deontological Approach And Teleological Approach

The deontological ethics assumes that there are mandatory standards for poor and good behavior. It is possible to make rules and commandments, whose observance leads to the desired action. Whatever action is morally good or bad, should not depend on the purpose of these actions. Some acts are intrinsically good / bad and therefore must run / fail, regardless of the consequences. The moral standards and moral precepts are regarded as an end in itself, demands the unconditional compliance. This legal concept is called the moral law of nature. In religions it is an attempt to secure the existence of natural law by one or more gods as benefactors and guardians (Thomas 2000: 55). Instead of a rational justification shall be adopted only a revelation of the moral law. In the modern era, it is based on the non-verifiability of revealed morality and attempts to rationally understandable laws and regulations and without recourse to transcendent reasons to set up (Shelly 2000: 12). Here, the authors often rely on reason, such as Immanuel Kant (practical reason, the categorical imperative).


Utilitarianism is a teleological ethics, which was created mainly in the English-speaking world. He tries to make an ethics without metaphysics. The basis for the ethical evaluation is the principle of utility. Depending on whether the utility is based on the individual or the society, a distinction is individual - and social utilitarianism (Jeremy 2000: 52). Bentham, the founder of social utilitarianism evaluate actions based on whether they both increases welfare and happiness of the society or decreases. He formulated clear criteria and practices to the greatest happiness for the greatest number to achieve. Thus, there is no obligation for the utilitarians collisions. The actions are, therefore, according to fixed rules.

Stakeholder's theory

R. Edward Freeman initially exposed in the book Strategic Management A Stakeholder Approach (1984) stakeholders (stakeholder) theory (SHT) identifies and models the groups of people who are stakeholders in a corporation. It also describes and recommends methods by which management can be addressed to consider the interests of those groups.

In the strict, traditional approach, the focus of stakeholders (the only one recognized in the law business in most countries), the shareholders are the owners of the company and it has a fiduciary duty ligation to put their needs first and ...
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