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Business Ethics
Business Ethics
The term ethics is regarded as moral philosophy, which is integrated with the concept of righteous and wrongness. Business ethics include all the sets of rules and regulations’ which organization has to obey, in order to run the operations with fair means (Chris Et al, 2001, pp 119-132). Maxwell has written a classical book named as “There is no such this as business ethics”. According to Maxwell, there is a single standard of life which applies to professional and personal life that is based on golden principal. The company growth and development is entirely dependent on their activities. If, the organization is not following the concept of business ethics, they might earn profit in short-term, but will suffered significantly in long-term.
The essay is based on the book of Maxwell (2003), whose central theme lies under the heading of business ethics. He believes there is no concept of business ethics- there is only ethics’. He has strongly emphasized that ethics is not a business issue, nor a political or social issue. In his point of view, there is only one best rule in personal and business decisions, which is based on the principles of golden rule. These rules are started from us, it is the responsibility of a particular individual to identify that he likes to treat in a particular situation.
Maxwell (2003) focuses on the adaption of golden rules, as it will help the decision making of an individual. These golden rues should be followed by us on consistent basis, because these principals are usually accepted by majority of the people. If, majority of the people believe that the act of an individual is right, it means that particular person is doing a fair job. According to Maxwell most of the people perform the activity which leads him towards success. But his golden principle dictates that such a decision should be made which is morally and ethically accepted by the society.
He believes that if the activity which is performed is wrong & gives relief to a large number of people, then it is regarded as fair activity. According to organizational/business level ethics everyone should pay respect to others. It is not business ethics; it is simple ethics which is related to a specific or group of individuals. If you do not perform the job with equality, it is considered as unethical act. This concept is related to both professional and personal life; it has nothing to do with business ethics.
This book main theme is based on ethics, and Maxwell believes that there is no concept of business ethics- it’s all about ethics. The activities which are performed on the organizational level are linked with personal activities. The activity which is performed by an individual or a group in an organization must possess the concept of golden principal. According to Maxwell the main theme of this book revolves around the concept of golden principal. These are the principals which are accepted by the large number of people ...
The term Business Ethics refers to honesty, sincerity, trustworthy, and openness, in the business. It also focuses on the law and legal requirement of the business rules and ethics. The Business Ethics aims to comply with culture, tradition, and society acceptance. Business ethics has always been the integral part of the businesses and it has served the society and all stakeholders. Aristotle equated profit to usury. Business is simple a human activity that is essential for making profits (Nesteruk, 1995, p. 361-369). Business ethics indulges since the initial transactions. it has significance in the organizational hierarchy. Ethics involves in every human activity in the business. The main purpose of ethics is to get balance between the activity and consequence. Thus both consequentialist and deontological ethics are relevant and important to business. It is important for the businesses to follow the Ethics more than anything.
Subject of business ethics is the application of ethical principles to the area economic activity. Core values ??are humanism, solidarity and responsibility. The justification for business ethics standards is resulting from the economic consequences of actions on other people and the environment. Standards for this are social justice and sustainability. It is not the role of business ethics to work out instructions (Stark, 1993, pp. 38-48). Their function is rather a guide for the current debate by reflection, methods and critical analysis. For the business ethics it requires an interdisciplinary discourse on which philosophers and economists, but also social scientists and theologians are involved. Basically, there are a practical level, to clarify the concrete issues and practical behavior are assessed, and a theoretical level, to be judged on the ethical and economic theories discussed is, and the link between ethics and economics and how this relationship can be designed or should. Another important distinction is the responsibility of the individual (individual ethics) (Judith, 2004), and the responsibility of companies, groups, associations, politics, or society as a whole (institutional and social ethics). Business ethics is concerned with how economic actors analyze moral issues, and choose.
The joint discussion of economic and ethical issues goes back to the ancient Greek philosophy and is also found in the original texts of various religious communities. Historically used for the first time, the concept of business ethics at Ignaz Seipel in 1907 within the framework of Catholic social teaching. The initiative for an independent social science discipline was Max Weber with his extensive work, "The Economic Ethics of World Religions" Weber meant by business ethics "in the psychological and pragmatic contexts of religions founded practical drive for action . "He raised his already stressed the independence as a field of theory:" The business ethics is not a simple function 'of economic organization, nor is it vice versa this shapes clearly out of himself (David, 1999).
In contrast to the general ethics of business ethics refers to a single, specific area of ??life, if this has a certain uncertainty. Ethics is understood as a theory of common morality , which in turn refers to the practice existing in normative attitudes and actions. Business ethics is both part of the social ...
Ethics in Nursing
[Name of the Institute] Ethics in Nursing
The nursing profession has always attached great importance to ethical requirements relating to its activities. However, the understanding and content to these activities has evolved throughout history. Two main approaches have been developed to thematize nursing ethics: the ethics of virtue and ethical principles. The first approach inquires into the attitudes that a person must possess in order to act as a good nurse. The second follows the opposite path and considers the actions and principles to be respected to be a good professional. An approach to harmonize both perspectives must ask three questions: what do we mean by nursing care, what ethical principles is that way of understanding care, and what moral attitudes are related to caring properly?
In a modern professional model, the definition and exercise of care necessarily include consideration of teamwork. Similarly, the performance of a good caregiver role, and therefore a quality nursing, states on one side of theoretical and practical ethical principles that underpin the work of caring and, secondly, the assimilation of the attitudes that are required of the caregiver. Both elements improve the ability of professionals to prevent and resolve ethical conflicts in clinical practice (Aitamaa, Kilpi, Puukka, Suhonen, 2010).
The development of nursing ethics, and have had an impact: general ethics (personal and social), cultural-historical conditions and the specificity of the profession. Ethics of nursing as a profession he is a young field of science. The development of this sub discipline is generally associated with the creation of departments of nursing at medical schools, which allowed nursing theorists to conduct systematic research in this field.
Nursing is a unique profession, which is attributed to the rank of the appointment, as all professional humanists, constituting the protection of large human values. Medical professions are characterized by a common motto: "the service of life and human health. For nurses as an important principle is the supreme law of the good of the patient. They show that welfare is more important than the wards own good. The introduction of these moral directives requires the nurses' particular devotion and even heroism, which are a special advantage of nursing and the highest ethical advantage. Therefore ethics of the nursing profession cannot be a set of theoretical standards, but must be the internal content of moral beliefs and attitudes of each nurse and the inspiring power of her professional conduct (Donahue 1996).
Every professional ethics is presented in the form of normative ethics. So it is with the ethics of the nursing profession. By definition, which gives small dictionary of theology, Professional ethics is a set of rules and standards that determine how the moral point of view should behave representatives of the profession. Another, more comprehensive definition presents professional ethics as a set of norms and directives resulting from the traditions of the profession, a spirit of national culture, the basic ethical guidelines adopted in a given society, and used to perform the job.
Normative ethics of nursing, because of the subject of consideration, is divided into epistemology (the ...