Ethical/Legal Dilemma From Recent Clinical Placement

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Ethical/Legal Dilemma from Recent Clinical Placement



Nurses and Legal/Ethical Decision Making2

Influence of Law3

Failure to Comply with Nursing Midwifery Council3

Failure to Comply with Professional Obligations4

Utilitarianism in Nursing6

Deontology in Nursing7

Virtue Ethics8






Reflection and its Efficacy in Nursing11

Johns Model12

Gibbs Model13

Gibbs Model and Case14




Ethical/Legal Dilemma from Recent Clinical Placement


Every day, several decisions are made by the nurses that consider the ethical and legal standards. As a result, for making suitable and proper decisions, the nurses are required to comprehend that how the ethics, laws, and nursing are interfaced (Furlong, 2007). More or less, not considering where they work, nurses face the ethical and legal dilemmas. In their diverse position, nurses are faced with ethical and legal decisions regardless of the fact that what they function.

These decisions can impact their performance and their patients as well. To an ethical and legal dilemma there is no immediate and right solution. So these dilemmas can be solved by acceptable and reasonable decisions. The importance of ethical and legal decision making is that various legal and ethical selections can be made considering the same dilemma which can neither result in a wrong or right decision (Fant, 2013).

The ethical decisions can be concerned with the right and wrong; however, making the right decision is exigent. The comprehension of ethical and legal dilemmas is necessary for providing an accomplished care service. Therefore, it is significant that the value of ethical and legal values should be realized in their occupation. Legal and ethical aspects are pertinent to the practice based and clinical dilemmas. These aspects also have effects on the professional nursing areas and roles.

For applying these aspects efficiently, the nurses should establish reckoning expertise and comprehend the standards and notions that support them. The paper will discuss the ethical/legal dilemmas and decision making in the nursing practice following by various legislations, theories and models (Chaloner, 2007).


Nurses and Legal/Ethical Decision Making

In an increasingly intricate system, the health care nurses operate and function. Along with a number of organizational, ethical, legal, technical, and economic modifications happening, the decision making of nurses have straight impact on various aspects. These aspects include the impact on the workplace employees and organizational performance.

This decision making is also manipulated by huge number of other issues which will result in customer satisfaction, financial success, and organizational enduring practicality. In all the functions of nursing, the decision making is intrinsic and is intimately linked to the development purpose. Almost all the nurses make decisions; however, there is broader scope of the decisions that are made by senior nurses (Aarsland, et al. 2010). This is because it will affect a large number of individuals and will have a huge impact than the decisions made by junior ones.

The process of ethical/legal decision making is the selection of preeminent option for accomplishing the organizational and personal goals. However, all the nurses do not know the effective procedures of legal and ethical decision making (Guo, 2008). Nurses are assisted by the identification and practice of ethical and legal decision making procedure for making more effectual ...