Ethical Theories

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Ethical Theories

Ethical Theories


The difference between right human actions and those that are wrong is determined by Ethics. There are three theories of Ethics; virtue theory, utilitarianism and deontological and each emphasizes on different factors to reach a decision that would still be ethically correct. All three are similar yet different. To be able to identify the differences and similarities it is important to understand the theories themselves first (Perle, 2004).

Virtue Theory

This theory looks at the individual's character rather than the action performed. If the person has deviated from their regular behavior, the reason behind this is considered along with the general reputation of the individual. This theory regards the motivation and intention of the individual before passing judgment. Focus is on whether the individual acts with integrity even when they are not being watched, as that is a sign of strong character.


This theory has been divided into two branches, act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism suggests that the correct choice would be picking the option that benefits the majority as that would automatically be the ethical option. The greatest good is to be achieved for the highest number of people involved, by overlooking a single individual's right to achieve the result that benefits the majority. Rule utilitarianism focuses on benefitting people yet being fair and beneficence at the same time. The difference between these two is that rule utilitarianism does not ignore the injustice of an individual for the greater good of the majority the way act utilitarianism does (Mill, 1957).

Deontological Theory

This theory suggests that every individual's life is governed by moral laws that are unbreakable even though they may assist in improving the outcome. The person will do the right thing every time regardless of the result. Based on principles and moral codes, it does not bring ...
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