Ethical Ramification On United Airlines And Continental Merge

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Ethical ramification on United Airlines and Continental merge

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Ethical ramification on United Airlines and Continental merge


When we discuss ethics, it is important to understand the meaning of ethics. It is not easy to understand the meaning of the word from clear and objective definitions to highlight any position. After clarifying, terminology, individual can understand the logic and background which may make the argument convincing (Chun, 2009). Now, let us start with the proper understanding of ethics. It is the part of philosophy and deals with truth. When we study philosophy, it is the attempt to handle issues, which are deeply problematic and relate to the nature of conduct and thought.

According to philosopher, there are believes that exist behind the concept of the known Universe and, there are the presence of certain laws which are ruling everything that present here, and philosopher also claims that human has the ability to discover the truth. Philosophy is considered as the multi-faceted discipline, which can be subdivided into several categories such as; metaphysics, the philosophy of knowledge and ethics and, ethics and political philosophy.

Metaphysics deals at large levels like macro-level and, major goal is to investigate the real nature of presence (Fusin & Gosselin, 2011). The knowledge, according to philosophy is considered as the academic attempt to describe properly about what knowledge is and, on what things it is dependent and, proper mental process to get real knowledge. Ethics and political philosophy deals with low levels like micro-levels and relates with human beings, nature of humans, place they live, and relationship with others (Grant, 2010). The study of ethics is the study to deal with the most practical application in real lives of each human.

It is also noticed that, ethics is not only dealing with the nature of human beings but also several other things such as it is related with anthropology, and psychology. Ethics is what, we already know about overall nature of individuals. Ethics describe the best possible ways for individuals to live their lives, behave with others and dependent upon our understanding and our interaction with other individuals (Lacour, 2012).

It is the theoretical study of morality, which is also dependent upon moral philosophy. From the perspective of history, it is noticed that moral philosophers have developed certain theories in order to tell the proper human conduct. These philosophers provided the complete set of instructions and code that will help people to understand the meaning of ethics and behavior of human (LaVan & Martin, 2008). Now, we analyze utilitarian and Kantian ethical theories to investigate the morality of corporations by using their wealth to affect the change in political landscape.

Utilitarian Ethics

Utilitarian was established by a British Philosopher Jeremy Bentham, and after Bentham, it was modified by his apprentice, John Suart Mills. According to Bentham, utilitarian was an abstract ethical theory and, he considered it as an objective. He wanted to establish a universally acceptable codes and conducts that may be applicable and implemented by the practical ...