Ethical Principles And Funding For Proposed Policy

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Ethical Principles and Funding for Proposed Policy

Ethical Principles and Funding for Proposed Policy


Health care and Healthcare provision is largely considered as a public responsibility in the well-to-do nations. In these nations, the government is responsible for providing innumerable public benefits and facilities. The latter mentioned facilities and benefits usually include free medical care, insurance, transportation, electricity and more, free or at highly subsidized fee. Nonetheless, good health care is essential right for every human being. In addition, any nation cannot be considered as progressive unless its citizens are healthy and well to contribute to the nation's economic growth. Similarly, Hendricson & Cohen (2001) notes that global health bodies such as the World Health Organization-WHO, have mandated that the health education amongst the citizens of all nations should be made necessary. This measure should be considered as an extremely important function by their respective government and must be provisioned accordingly. Likewise, oral health is that facet of every person's live that is of extreme importance but is very conveniently overlooked by large number of individuals.

Conversely, this assignment aims to discuss one state and one federal law related with oral health. Where, the chosen state is Kentucky, Florida. In addition, this paper also describes the underlying social values and public policy justifications for these laws. These are discussed in the following section.


Laws related with Oral Health

State Law

The Kentucky's House Bill 186 was passed amongst strong legislative support in 2008 and signed by the Governor of Kentucky. This law requires any five or six year old child enrolling in public schools across the state to provide a dental examination certificate prior to their enrollment (Conis, 2009).

This law is undertaken to combat the epidemic of poor oral health amongst the American children. Moreover, Kentucky is one of the worst American states to have a poor oral health profile. As only half of its state population has dental insurance, along with a high number of adults of over the age of sixty-five who do not have any teeth. Thus, this law helps in combating the poor oral health conditions of the state by encouraging parents to have their child examined by a dentist. As this would help to identify any oral health issues at a earlier age and the necessary measures can be taken to improve the dental hygiene and health of the future generations.

Federal Law

Any form of federal health law is provisioned through different health ...
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