Ethical Perspectives Friedman Vs. Drucker &Murphy

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Ethical Perspectives Friedman vs. Drucker &Murphy

Ethical Perspectives Friedman vs. Drucker &Murphy


Business ethics is a system of moral principles applied in the commercial world. It is a whole new scientific area because it combines law theory and politics as much as philosophical and historical documents. Ethics become a term very flexible and have many different aspects. Business ethics provide guidelines for acceptable behaviour by organizations in both their strategy formulation and day-to-day operations. An ethical approach is becoming necessary both for corporate success and a positive corporate image.

With no clear definition of what business ethics are, it becomes the responsibility of the beholder to discern or reach a plausible conclusion of what constitutes ethical behavior. When looking at business ethics from a global perspective the water only gets muddier. Studies and perspectives on the subject provide no clear definition and when western and eastern social values are added in the mix, the gap between doing what is ethical and doing what is right stretches the abyss even further. Doing what is right for the organization and breaking the law does not warrant unethical behavior but at the same time having a responsibility to society and to those that could inadvertently effected by not committing an unethical act. An example of this would be paying a bribe to foreign government for a contract that will prevent thousands of employees from becoming unemployed. The business broke the law and committed what would be in western culture, unethical behavior even though thousands were able to remain employed because of the action. Perhaps business ethics in America suffer from western morality which does not now or has ever been one shoe fit all.

Purpose of the paper

This essay will discuss the writings and opinions of Milton Friedman (Friedman), Peter F. Drucker (Drucker), and Patrick E. Murphy (Murphy). All three authors are known management authorities that wrote books and articles on business ethics and social responsibility. In some segments of the business community, many believe the focus of business should be on business activities and therefore courses in ethics are not necessary. The three articles discussed are: The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits (Friedman, 1970), What is business ethics? Public Interest (Drucker, 1981), and The Relevance of Responsibility to Ethical Business Decisions (Murphy, 2009). These articles represent different points and views that assist one in developing an informed opinion regarding the subjects and articles covered. Despite the differing views of various authors it is now generally believed in most global cultures that the evolution of ethical awareness for practicing managers and students is a necessary and valid pursuit.


In Drucker's written perspective entitled, “What is Business Ethics?” the author writes as to how ethics in its purest form is based on individual behavior and as such that which applies to the humble and the poor should also apply to the rich and powerful (Drucker, 1981). Drucker goes on to state that the opinions driven by western moralist that extenuating and aggravating ...
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