Ethical Leadership

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Ethical Leadership


Leadership must be seen as a process including the influence on: the task objectives and strategies a group or organization for people to implement strategies and achieve the objectives, the groups so that there identification among their members and on organizational culture. Leaders are agents that set and guide the institutionalization of values a company. Shape the ethical context organization based on their behavior and their decisions. As leaders internalize culture corporate employees assume a more defensive and more likely to assess and respond to acts of the organization. The leaders serve as catalysts in the process implementation of ethics programs (Atwater, 2009).

The relationship between leadership and ethics has been raised from early definitions of leadership, but has not received much attention in research. In its influence on individuals and groups, leaders not only refrain from abusing their power and treat people respecting their dignity, but should encourage virtue in trying to change attitudes and behaviors (Bono, 2004).


The culture that prevails in the organization influences ethical behavior rather of its members. Ethics relates to the moral aspects of the activity and people's behavior. Professional ethics is the moral behavior in administrative work and in conducting the business of the organization. Society modern social institutions expected to conduct their activities according to high moral standards. Consequently, managers and employees of these institutions must conform to standards of ethics and socially responsible behavior (Chan, 2001).

Ethics is the moral code of a person or organization that sets standards considered correct or appropriate behavior in society. The purpose of ethics is to establish principles of behavior which are able to help people in choosing between alternative courses of action. The ethical behavior is accepted as good appropriate, as opposed to wrong and evil. In the area of business ethics, it can be defined as the ability to reflect values of organizational process of making decisions, to determine how they affect various stakeholder groups, and establish how administrators can use these observations in the daily management of the organization. Ethical managers seek success in administrative practices considered clear and fair. Without ethical managers, it would not get the company to be competitive in national or international. Accordingly, ethics and competitiveness are inseparable (Atwater, 2009).

No society can compete and succeed long term with people seeking to deceive each other, and trying to deceive others, where everything must be holding a confirm guide because no one believes in the other, where every little dispute ends in litigation endless and governments that drafted laws to hobble business. In these conditions it is very difficult to be honest; our system of competition must be based on business confidence and be clear (Chan, 2001).

On the other hand, cultures "open" is not resisting the influence abroad, which encouraged its expansion to have the de assert rejected on the whole cultural space. Open cultures to justify the right to colonial expansion in their superiority, and superiority of his time justifying the fact having overcome the ...
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