Ethical Leadership

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Ethical Leadership

Ethical Leadership


Leadership is one of the terms used in the social sciences. It has also demonstrated a high practical interest both in the world of business as in politics or education. However, little attention has been drawn on study for linking leadership with ethics, a relationship that is seen as very close intuitively but should also be in the field of reflection. This paper attempts to approach this question, although unpretentious of completeness. In order to achieve this focus has been given to the concept of leadership and ethical leadership after which an example of Steve Jobs has been mentioned as an ethical leader.


The importance of ethical leadership is to develop successful business leadership at the height of time is the ethics that influence business leader. In other words, the example provided by the leader in its followers becomes crucial. The third reason why ethics is crucial in leadership business is justified in that, on the one hand, in post- industrial people no longer respect others simply because of their job title, and secondly, because society in general rejects the coercive or manipulative use of power (Bolden, 2006). On the contrary, accepted power is exercised with respect and responsibility. However, the purported ethical leadership is based on a holistic view of work, a sense of community and a process of shared decision making, puts main value of service to others, highlighting the important role that businesses can and should take steps for improving the living conditions of the people, and, in the progress of society.

Steve Jobs as an Ethical Leader

Significance of ethical leadership cannot be over looked because in that the leaders have to woo the willingness of employees to enable them to put their talents to serve the objectives of the organization. This cannot arbitrarily exercise the power conferred by the post, or simply handing out rewards and punishments. Employees must make own mission and values of the company, and therefore should be treated with respect. It has been particularly evident when the time of the post-industrial companies were taken under consideration, where leadership is a bidirectional relationship between employer and employee (Kelly, 2012).

Therefore, in the recent times, Steve Jobs was named as the CEO of the decade by Fortune Magazine. It was pointed out by the magazine that, since the past ten years, Steve Jobs has restructured has transformed four major industries for instance: music, cell phones, movies and computing. In the article it was stated that it becomes a major and foremost accomplishment for any of the leader to achieve it in a single year, and in turns it is also an accomplishment for him as well as for others of remaking an industry. Therefore, the reformation of not the only one but of four industries is an exceptional achievement (R. Edward Freeman, 2006). However, such accomplishments of Steve Jobs can be accredited towards his magical leadership qualities and his motivation towards following his dreams and in depth analysis of minor ...
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