Ethical Issues On Obesity

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Ethical Issues on Obesity


Considerable and significant improvements are necessary for reversing the obesity epidemic in the environment of food marketing which targets the children. Food marketing that targets the children almost solely encourages and sponsors nutrient poor and calorie dense foods. Through the food marketing, these business organizations gain benefit from vulnerability to convincing advertisements of children. Growing scientific evidence discloses potentially intense effects of food marketing on enduring health and eating behaviors of children (Harris, & Graff, 2011). The food marketing targets the children through universal media i.e. through internet, television etc. which produces adverse affects on the health of children. Moreover, companies target the children within their own community with the help of billboards. They target the children by the means of local environments such as restaurants, schools and stores. Government at all the stages encompasses a responsibility to act in order to prevent the harmful effects of food marketing on the health of children. The role of government in preventing childhood obesity and the prevention programs have been discussed in this research paper (Harris, & Graff, 2011).

Ethical Issues on Obesity


The childhood obesity has been increasing in the United States which is imposing load on the society of United States in mental and physical health of children and also in the costs of health care. In the meantime, the industry of foods and beverages invests huge quantity of money for marketing their nutrient poor and calorie dense beverages and foods for targeting the vulnerable children. The crisis of obesity is not possible to be resolved without considerable changes in the marketing environment of obesity which has surrounded the children (NCCOR, 2011). In the United States, childhood obesity portrays major and foremost challenges of health but public health advocates, policy makers and the medical industry have not discovered useful ways for the purpose of reversing the growing obesity rates amongst youth and children.

Attempts for increasing the physical activity amongst children and youth have restricted advantages without concurrent concentration in order to decrease caloric consumption (NCCOR, 2011). Despite the exercise levels, the obesity risk amongst children has increased by almost 60 percent for each added sugar sweetened beverage that has been consumed by the child each day. Although inadequate physical activity and unhealthy diet are linked to obesity, prevention responsibilities and efforts for the ethical issue of obesity remain controversial. Caregivers, parents, government must make efforts in order to prevent from this ever increasing problem. Children might be intensely vulnerable to damage due to their restricted capability in order to make choices and their reliance on their adults for foods and vulnerability to the food marketing (NCCOR, 2011).

Statement of Problem

The appealing marketing of nutrient poor and calorie dense foods and beverages is targeting the children which is contributing to the increment and rise in the rate of obesity levels in the United States. Prevention programs must be developed by the government in order to reduce these ethical issues that are arising in the society which is contributing in producing adverse and ...