Ethical Issues

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Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues

The natural natural natural environment is a Mental wellbeing Clinic called joined Mental wellbeing Association. The clinic is located in the suburbs not far from the built-up locality of a larger city in the state of New York. The clinic serves a diverse community comprising of purchasers with various earnings grades and various clinical diagnoses. The clinic allegations a sliding-scale charge founded on earnings and insurance. It is an HMO facility.

Karla is a freshly nominated counselor at the above clinic. She is glimpsing a purchaser, Ebony, an African woman in her early thirties, who is pain from depression. One day, Ebony arrives in with evident bruises. Karla inquires of Ebony what occurred and after some hesitation, Ebony confides that her married man is physically abusive. She farther adds that occasionally she doubts for her life, her husband's temper is so explosive. Ebony furthermore states that she doubts how this sways her young kids, five and six years vintage in age; Karla is alarmed and inquires Ebony why she doesn't depart, take her young kids with her and get a divorce? Ebony answers that she will not because she doesn't have anywhere to go and her married man endangered her on numerous occasions that if she departs, he will find her and kill her. Karla asserts that Ebony should depart, if only for the safety of her children. Karla is incapable to number out how she should handle this case. She doubts for her client's and her children's security, and doesn't understand if she should notify authorities. What should Karla do?

The main ethical dilemma in this case is one of defending the parties in danger. Although the main purchaser is Ebony, the other parties involved are the young kids, who may furthermore be in serious danger, and to a certain span the abusive husband, who is not in hazard but who may advantage from therapy as an abuser. Other ethical anxieties is if administration should be notified and the expert competence of the counselor. The counselor is very inexperienced and does not appear to be adept to handle the complexity of this case, nor does she appear to have any know-how with household violence cases. Her choice would be to mention the case to a more skilled associate, or to seek consultation and supervision. Consultation should be sought in any case. One of the first things the counselor should do is consider her own individual bias concerning the household aggression case. Another step the counselor has to take is understand the domestic violence cycle in which the victim blames herself.

Since the client is already being seen by the counselor, the counselor's ethical responsibility is to assure the safety of all victims. The counselor should realise her own individual bias as well as the heritage and ethnic backdrop of the client. Finally, as with all other situations, confidentiality, informed permission, and bounds to confidentiality must be considered with the ...
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