Ethical Issues

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Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues

Problems Facing For-Profit Company (Coca-Cola)

Identification of Ethical Problems

Impurities in the water used by Coca Cola for manufacturing purposes in India.

Shortage of water which was not compensated in India.

Improper waste management solution in Indian Plant.

Mishandling and improper treatment of employees in Columbia who have joined unions.

Contamination issue faced by the Belgian Coke Plant which had affected several children.

Reasons for existence and Background

Two cases have been discussed here first is of the bottling plant in Kerala, India. Second issue is pertaining to the Union members in Columbia. The bottling plant in Kerala India has been using the water of the nearby lands in order to fulfill their manufacturing requirements which are impacting the water level in the area. The water level had been reduced to the significant level which had sparked protests among the residents who have been facing water shortages on a continuous basis . The water was not available for the irrigation purposes which had affected the quality of crops and has reduced the crop production in the area. Furthermore there was no waste management system made by Coca Cola in order to handle the waste water which is leaving the manufacturing plant. This had resulted in intoxication of the fields nearby because hazardous material has been present in the water which was released by the manufacturing plant. It had lead to environmental degradation as well as affecting the people which are living in the nearby area. Lastly the water which has been used for the bottling purposes contained pesticides as it was examined by an independent NGO. Coke was extracting the water from the surrounding areas where irrigation was taking place thus pesticides which had been used by the farmers have been contaminated in the water which had been used by the coke for the bottling purposes (The Corporation, 2009).

Coca Cola in Columbia had been involved in beating and murdering of the employees which have joined the trade unions. The reports have been rejected by the Coke Columbia but still it had been accused for intimidating behavior with the employees of the bottling plant who have become the members of the trade unions (Ulrich, 2013).

Contamination incident which had been reported in Belgium where Coke had been responsible for selling contaminated drinks in the market, which had affected several children. Initially the problem was handled by the Coke as a minor problem however the Coke was soon banned in France until the problem was resolved (Ulrich, 2013).

Problems and their impact on the organization

In India Coke plant had been locked down and penalty has been imposed for environmental degradation and producing contaminated drinks. In Colombia investigation started due to filing of a lawsuit against Coca Cola Company. In Belgium, France coke products have been banned throughout France and this also affected the sales of Coke across Europe.

Responsible for the problems

In India Coca Cola manufacturing plant is responsible for the issues. In Colombia Local bottler of Colombia along with Coca Cola had been responsible ...
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