Ethical Issues

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Ethical Issues

Ethical Issues


The concept of direct to consumer marketing by pharmaceuticals is growing at rapid pace in the last several decades and it is to mention here that it is the most dominant type of communication in health industry that is used to attract public. Currently Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for regulating direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising (DTCPA), and there is lot of criticism on FDA regarding the rules imposed are very much relaxed and are not properly imposed. Even though there is limited data available for research, but most of researchers argues that it is harmful and beneficial for the health of public. The numbers of arguments that are observed in against and favor are found to be balanced evenly and fairly. Both the arguments can be favored by providing supportive evidence (Morgan, 2007). It is also to mention here that there are several call regarding limiting or completely imposing ban on advertising that are related to customer drug, or modification for minimizing the risk and maximizing the benefits associated with DTCPA and it is mostly suggested.


Direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising (DTCPA) is referred to an effort that is made usually through using famous media by pharmaceutical goods directly to the consumer or patients. DTCPA is currently present in limited geographical regions such as New Zealand and United States are only nations that permits DTCPA that is also included with product claims. Rest of the countries does not entirely allows DTCPA; however, it is notable that in Canada it is allow to mention product or the indication in ads but not to mention both things. The interest group and industry of pharmaceutical tried their best to capsize the bans regarding DTCPA in other regions and countries including Canada and also in European Union (EU). It is notable that in 2008, among 27 voters of EU member states 22 voted against the proposal of law and legislation for allowing limited information dissemination to consumers or patients (Kravitz, 2000).

The concept of direct to consumer marketing by pharmaceuticals is growing at rapid pace in the last several decades and it is to mention here that it is the most dominant type of communication in health industry that is used to attract public. Currently Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for regulating direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising (DTCPA), and there is lot of criticism on FDA regarding the rules imposed are very much relaxed and are not properly imposed (Shuchman, 2007).

Types of advertisement

Currently, there are various types of drug advertisements DTC shown in table below. First type among them is regarde3d as 'help seeking ad', as understood from its name it only provides information regarding a medical situation and encourages patients by advising them to visit their physician regardless of mentioning the products name. Second category is termed as 'reminder ad', in this category of ads name of product is mentioned; in this category of ad, it might provide with information regarding strength, prices, or form ...
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